
Itsy Bitsy Burro Co. Mr. Playbill

Itsy Bitsy Mr. Playbill has come to live at Brayberry’s as Ryder’s new show donkey.  We had told the Henderson’s of H3 Miniatures that if they ever decided to part with him to contact us….well the time had come.  Mandy had purchased a new show donkey and we were so excited to finally be able to bring Playbill here.  He was perfect for Ryder and they bonded immediately.  See the full story of how Mr. Playbill came to be at Brayberry as Ryder’s show donkey here.  We had recently parted with Mr. Playbill’s sire, Circle C Main Event, who had served as our herdsire and we were thrilled to bring one of his prodigy back.  Main Event was a big teddy bear with a fabulous disposition and we knew Playbill would be just as loveable and gorgeous as his dad.


Our, hands down, most favorite show photos of all time are of Ryder and Mr. Playbill.  They are quite a team.  Take a look…


PJW_6361 win PJW_6324

PJW_6788 PJW_6408 PJW_6320PJW_6802 PJW_6960 PJW_6969PJW_7419 PJW_7192 PPP_9603

And more favorites from 2015:

PPP_0528 PPP_0847

PPP_0951 PPP_0032

PPP_0758 PPP_0760 PPP_0753 PPP_0755 PPP_0624 PPP_0574 PPP_0564 PPP_0990 PPP_0442

(click on above photos for larger images)

PEDIGREE: multiple Halter Champion and Best of Breed, Circle C Main Event!

ATTITUDE: perfect laid back attitude to serve as a child’s favorite donkey



(since relocating to Brayberry)

Ozark Empire Fair, Springfield, MO, July, 2014

6nd Place, Geldings@Halter, 3yr and over (class of 15), (shown by Ryder Hottinger, 6 years old)

1st Place, Youth Showmanship@Halter

Youth results not listed in show results, will add at a later time if we are able to find results

Ozark Empire Fair, Springfield, MO, July, 2015

(shown by Ryder Hottinger, 7yo)

1st Place,  Youth Showmanship@Halter

1st Place, Youth Obstacle Driving

1st Place,  Youth Trail class

2nd Place, Youth Lead Race

2nd Place, Youth In-Hand Jumping

3rd Place, Youth Coon Jumping

3rd Place, Youth Barrel racing

3rd Place, Youth Pole Bending

3rd Place, Youth Pleasure Driving

Tennessee State Fair, Nashville, TN, September, 2015

3rd Place, In-Hand Jumping

4th Place, Snigging

4th Place, Pleasure Driving

5th Place, Single Stake Race

North Carolina State Fair, Raleigh, NC, October, 2015

Champion Gelding

Reserve High Point Champion

1st Place, Geldings@Halter

1st Place, Showmanship@Halter

1st Place, Coon Jump

1st Place, Snigging

2nd Place, Trail

2nd Place, Reinsmanship

2nd Place, Pleasure Driving

2nd Place, Obstacle Driving

2nd Place, Barrels

2nd Place, Pole Bending

4th Place, Lead Race


Coming soon!