
For Sale

Please contact us if you are looking for something specific (there may be some we would consider selling that are not listed here), if we do not have what you are looking for we may know someone who does… (We are currently having issues with our ‘contact form’, if you do not hear back from us please give us a call at *479*331*2800* or email

**NOTE: We have a few jennets not listed here that may be available on a non-breeding contract.  They will only be offered to the “right” home. Let us know what you are looking for and we can discuss if one of these might be right for you.

We can arrange a ‘herd starter’ package and can provide free delivery within 100 miles.  Over 100 miles, delivery charge is $1 per loaded mile from Dover, AR (and lodging cost if overnight is required).

If you are looking for halters to fit miniature donkeys click here.

 Brayberry’s A Star Is Born

Click Star’s picture for more photos and information

This jennet is a Circle C Main Event (multi Champion) daughter.  Star took 2nd in the 2013 National Show.  She is a nice jennet that recently gave birth to her second foal…a real beauty by MGF Houdini’s Magic Time. She is shy and cautious in personality.

DOB: 08-14-11


Congrats to Kevin & Lacie Smith of Sweet Mini J’s Farm, Logan, OHIO for giving Star an awesome home along with her pasture mate and BFF Sadie. We are so happy that they could go and remain together. We know you are going to love them.


 Frontier Legends Sadie

Click Sadie’s picture for more photos and information

Sadie is an outstanding jennet that placed 1st in every halter class that she was entered in with exception of her very first show.  She has also been awarded Champion Jennet.  She has recently foaled her first by QM Ticker Tape, a very nice little jack. This is another jennet that can do it all…show jennet or brood jennet.

DOB: 04-30-09


Congrats to Kevin & Lacie Smith of Sweet Mini J’s Farm, Logan, OHIO for giving Sadie an awesome home along with her pasture mate and BFF Star. These two are amazing jennets and both excelled in the show ring.


donkey foal

 Brayberry’s Lil Lovebug

Click Bug’s picture for more photos and information

Bug is the second foal by our newest jack Rome. Her sire, Spikehorn Ranch Romeo, is a two time GCDMA Supreme Champion Sire and the sire to our 2 time NMDA Year End High Point Jennet, Schmitt’s Chloe.   Her dam is one of our best producers and is the dam to our NMDA Halter & Performance Champion, Brayberry’s Santini Sunflower ‘Sunni’ so, needless to say, we think this little gal has potential! Being 1/2 sister to Schmitt’s Chloe and 1/2 sister to Sunni she has some tall boots to fill for sure.

DOB: 10-05-17


Thanks to Kevin & Lacie Smith of Sweet Mini J’s Farm, Logan, OHIO. We are thrilled that Bug is going with with her pasture mates Star and Sadie. We know you are going to love her personality, she is a sweetie.


 Brayberry’s Holiday Magic

Click Maggie’s picture for more photos and information

Sweet little Maggie with her exceptional personality. Pitch black and cute as they come. We hadn’t even created her page on the site before she was snatched up…that’s what happens when you’re this adorable.

DOB: 06-02-18


Thanks to Andy & Lisa Ballard, Lonoke, AR for spoiling Maggie and Daisy. You will have a ton of fun with them…it doesn’t get much better than these two. 


 Brayberry’s Daisy Duke

Click Daisy’s picture for more photos and information

This is a very nice little jennet.  The red of her sire shows through and she appears sorrel in the sunlight even though genetically she is brown.  She was shown as a youngster and was in the ribbons.  She was shown by kids at every show but one and has an exceptional personality.  She is ½ sister to our current National Champion Pre-Green (2016) and Reserve National Champion Green (2017) Brayberry’s Santini Sunflower. (Daisy will remain home until after she foals and it is safe for her and the foal to move together).

DOB: 10-17-13

**UPDATE: Daisy foaled a beautiful spunky little very dark brown jennet, Phyllass, by Best of Breed and multiple Grand Champion Quarter Moon Ticker Tape.  You can see the antics of little Phyllass on the HalterUp Facebook page as she is one cute little advertiser.


Thanks to Andy & Lisa Ballard, Lonoke, AR for welcoming Daisy and Maggie. They are dandies and we look forward to you ‘house training’ them. ? Welcome to the world of miniature donkeys, you’ve started with the best of the best! 



 Brayberry’s Lady Camellia ‘Millie’

Click Millie’s picture for more photos and information

This jennet is sired by Main Event who is a multiple champion from the Circle C herd.  Millie is a very small stocky black donkey that would serve as a fantastic little show donkey.  She showed as a yearling and as a 2 yo and had a few 1st place wins in halter and in pee wee trail with a 3 year old child.  She is kind, calm and loves attention.  Would make a fabulous family pet and would be a great traveler to events and nursing homes. We have been unable to get her in foal and so she is being sold as barren.  She is currently  pastured full time with our jack, Romeo.

DOB: 08-24-10


A huge congrats to the Frazier family on their addition of Millie. She is one fantastic little donkey that has travelled and entertained…and loved every minute of it.  She will provide many years of enjoyment to your sweet family!



  Brayberry’s Lily of the Valley

Click Lily’s picture for more photos and information


Lily is a super friendly ivory jennet that we have been unable to get into foal. She is being sold as barren but would make a fabulous pet with her outgoing and loving personality. She would also make a good show donkey and would most likely be very good at performance. Her 1/2 brother Asstilbe is being shown in performance by his owners Ray and Julie in Texas.

DOB: 03-23-11


Thanks to the Frazier family, Little Rock, AR for giving Lily an awesome home with her pasture mate, Millie. These two are over the top sweet, many fun times coming your way.



Parkside Toffee Chips

Click Toffee’s picture for more photos and information

This little jennet is dam to some well known donkeys in “the industry”. Li’l Angels Citation and Li’l Angels Miss Diane are progeny that were shown by Li’l Angels. Both placed 1st in their halter classes. Citation never placed below 1st and was awarded Champion Gelding more than once. Li’l Angels Indiana Jones serves as herd sire at Legendary Farms and Brayberry’s Bachelors Button serves as a herd sire at Lil Graceland. She has been exposed to our jack Quarter Moon Ticker Tape, an NMDA Best of Breed, for a March 2018 foal. After this foal, it is time for Toffee to retire, we are so proud of the contribution she has made to the quality of the miniature donkey breed.

DOB: 09-18-99

UPDATE: Toffee has given birth to a fabulous little spotted jennet named Margie. What a doll she is!

No longer for sale


 Brayberry’s Phyllass

Click Phyllass’s picture for more photos and information

This jennet is a gem. And one that wasn’t for sale. When Bri came to ‘donkey shop’ she picked out one and wanted a couple of days to decide on another. After the couple of days, she contacted us…”I can’t quit thinking about Phyllass, are you sure you won’t part with her?”. Well, when someone loves one this much (and we could tell she did) it is just meant to be. Everyone, and we mean everyone that visited the farm fell in love with Phyllass. We were sad to see her go but are happy that she is going to be spoiled rotten and loved on. She got to leave with her buddy, Olive, and we are going to miss them both.

DOB: 10-19-17


We still can’t believe she talked us out of Phyllass! A huge shoutout to Bri Forrest for her persuasion skills, haha. Phyllass will always be remembered as one of the favorites. Congrats Bri and give her a hug from us.

Brayberry’s Russian Olive

Click Olive’s picture for more photos and information

This jennet is sired by a wooly jack that now serves as herdsire at a farm in Australia. Olive is a beautiful gray wooly or semi-wooly that did well in the show ring as a youngster. She placed 4th at Shelbyville as a yearling and 3rd as a 2yo. Her first foal, Brayberry’s Sleight of Hand, was awarded NMDA Reserve Champion Jack at the 2015 Silver Spur Classic. She would serve as a great little show donkey for a child with her calm and affectionate personality.

DOB: 04-07-10



Congrats and huge thank you to Bri Forrest, Dallas, TX. Olive is a sweetie and we know you are going to have many hours of enjoyment with her and Phyllass.


 Brayberry’s Jujube

Click Jujube’s picture for more photos and information

This jennet is a nice ivory carrier.  She has a beautiful head and gorgeous eye rings.  Her first foal was born in spring of 2017.  She rejected the foal and therefore will not be bred again on our farm.  She would make a very nice show or driving donkey.  She has an over the top personality and may just be the sweetest donkey on the farm.  We are heartbroken that she was not a good mom as we had high hopes for her as a breeding jennet.  Shown is a baby picture, if you are interested in her contact us and we will get some current pictures taken and sent to you.

DOB: 10-11-11


We are excited that Jujube will be trained to drive and then head to New Caney, TX to become Susan Panzarella’s new driving donkey! Jujube has the perfect personality and size for driving, fun times coming Susan’s way.



 Brayberry’s Opening Belle

Click Belle’s picture for more photos and information

Belle was not listed on the site ‘for sale’ and was a hard one to let go but with her over the top personality, she always attracted the attention of visitors.  She was up to her game when Meagan and her mom Sue came to visit to pick out their favorites. Belle was their number one pick (or was it Trader ? ) and so she was on the list to go with her pasture mates. We are thrilled that she will be able to be a part of the little ‘starter’ herd going to live with Dr. Meagan & Billy (and Meagan’s mom Sue).

DOB: 09-09-16


A huge congrats to Dr. Meagan & Billy Bonacci, Hot Springs, AR.  Belle will give you many years of laughs for sure.  You’ve got the best of the best with this little gal.  We are excited that she will be going with pasture mates Tinker, Noranda, Zoot, & Day Trader.


  LN Noranda

Click Noranda’s picture for more photos and information

This jennet is nearing the end of her foaling career at 23 years of age, the ideal situation for her would be a great forever home for her to live out retirement as a loving pet.  Her offspring have excelled in the show ring. See our website for a list of winners.  She is from the old original imported bloodlines, her beginnings trace back to the very beginnings of miniature donkeys in America. Our own, Brayberry’s  A Star Is Born, who was awarded 2nd place in her halter class at the 2013 National Show is a Noranda daughter.

PEDIGREE: old established bloodlines of the Belleau herd, the great Luigi, Pearl Bailey, Jennie Sam, Dominic, Mary & Cristofo Colombo (whom we are told was the 1st miniature donkey born in America)

DOB: 06-12-94


Congratulations to Dr. Meagan and Billy Bonnacci, Hot Springs, AR

We couldn’t have asked for a better retirement home for Noranda and Zoot!



 Brayberry’s Day Trader

Click Trader’s picture for more photos and information

This one year old gelding is sired by Best of Breed and multiple Grand Champion Quarter Moon Ticker Tape.  Trader is a small lil guy and will likely stay that way.  He is sweet, calm and loves attention.  Would make a fabulous family pet and would be a great traveler to events and nursing homes. He will only go to a home with other donkeys or can be sold with a buddy.

DOB: 08-03-16


A huge congrats to Dr. Meagan & Billy Bonacci, Hot Springs, AR.  Trader will be joining his pasture mates Tinker, Noranda, Zoot, & Belle.


 Cyder’s Tinker Belle

Click Tinker Belle’s picture for more photos and information

An exceptional jennet with plenty of style, class and a pedigree to catch your eye.  If you know pedigrees you will recognize the outstanding genetics in this little jennet.  She is granddaughter to Valentino the 50th on the top side and the great LN Foxworthy, a multi-Grand Champion, on the bottom side. You will also find Nicodemus, The Fireman, the great producer Jennie Sam of Bell E Acres and Little Red Julie.  Her sire is Sunset Acres Red Sunset…a multiple Grand Champion and High Point Winner.  Her pedigree can be traced back to the original imports and is full of many of the legendary foundation donkeys.  She has been exposed to Best of Breed and multiple Grand Champion Quarter Moon Ticker Tape for a 2018 foal (50% chance of red foal with this pairing).  Brood jennet, show jennet…she can do it all.

DOB: 08-09-09


Congrats to Dr. Meagan & Billy Bonacci, Hot Springs, AR…can’t wait for pics of the foal!


Brayberry’s Hekan Do Magic ‘Hekan’


Brayberry’s Trickstar


Click pictures for more photos and pedigree

BFF package. These two geldings are best friends and we would like for them to go together. In fact, they are so attached they prefer to share their grain bowl! They were weaned together and we just don’t have the heart to separate them, they’ve been best friends for life. They are 1/2 brothers and both are sired by our Reserve National Champion MGF Houdini’s Magic Time.


Staying in Arkansas! Congrats to GG Hutchins, Paris, AR. You’re gonna have a blast with these two. 

Brayberry’s Raspberry Ripple “Razzy”

daughter of 758’s Red Pride, “2008 Best of Breed” x LN Noranda

Click Razzy’s picture for more photos and pedigree

Razzy is a very nice, super sweet girl. Her sire was 2008 Best of Breed (San Antonio Stock Show) and dam’s pedigree goes back to the original imports. Fantastic pedigree, fantastic coloring! What more could you ask for? Click picture for more photos.

DOB: 06-14-10


Congrats to GG Hutchins, Paris, AR



 Cedar Creek’s Nickelsby “Nick”

son of Nicodemus…Merit of Breeding, VHOF, Supreme driving award and two time National Champion

We have absolutely loved this donkey!  He is an awesome show donkey but his role at Brayberry has been as an entertainer.  He is trick trained and was quite a ham. He was the “go to” guy when kids needed to learn.  We hate to see him go but when the time is right, it is right. We have too many performance donkeys, Nick wasn’t getting to show, and was just getting too fat as a pasture donkey by being left at home.  He will be again used at his new home to entertain and to perform.  We are excited to see what transpires…(maybe a new member of the Tri-Ass-letes?)


Many, many congratulations to Sally Armstrong, Donkey Oaties, Johnson City, TX



 Brayberry’s Belladonna

daughter of MGF Houdini’s Magic Time, Reserve NMDA National Champion

This one may have been the hardest one to let go.  She has been on our show string since she was 7 months old and has personality galore!  She is ornery, spunky and exactly what you want them all to be like.  We received an unsolicited inquiry about her and after much deliberation decided to let her go.  She will be crossing the pond to Australia in the fall (2017). We will certainly miss her and the herd will not seem the same without her. It’s a tough decision to let one go when you know you will never get the opportunity to see them again. Everyone should own a donkey like Bella!  She is one in a million.


Congratulations and many thanks to Shane Carey Miniature Donkeys, Victoria, Australia

Take good care of our Bella…



Quarter Moon Ticker Tape

Multiple NMDA Champion and Best of Breed

Ticker Tape came to Brayberry because of our search on a client’s behalf to find a red jack to lease to service one of their jennets.  Well long story short, in that search we learned Ticker might be available for purchase.  Of course, we snatched him up.  He was such a sweetheart and we absolutely loved him and his foals but we learned after a fashion that 3 jacks make for a very noisy place (not to mention housing concerns).  We reluctantly agreed to let one of the jacks go and Ticker Tape was the first inquired about. We loved having him here and we sure do miss him.  We are very happy to have had the chance to incorporate his genetics into our herd.  He produced some nice foals while at Brayberry and for that we are very excited.


Congratulations to Legendary Farms, Richard & Katrina Fleenor, Murfreesboro, TN for their purchase of this fine jack. He will make an outstanding addition to the genetics of your herd.


Brayberry’s Nassdaq

son of Quarter Moon Ticker Tape, Multiple NMDA Champion and Best of Breed

Decker is 1/2 brother to our newest performance jennet, Sunni, and bears a striking resemblance to her. We have LOVED every one of LadyBug’s foals (no matter the sire) and were planning to keep this little guy to see how he developed.  Well, plans were changed when he had a visitor at a few days old.  Darcy just fell in love with him.  She snatched him up and at 6 months old he made the long trip with his buddies, Opie and Fin, to donkey paradise.


Now an island resident…thanks Darcy for providing such an awesome home for the boys.

Nantucket, MA


Brayberry’s Opening Night ‘Opey’


Brayberry’s Grand Finale ‘Fin’


Click pictures for more photos and pedigree

These two geldings are best friends and we would consider letting them go if they are able go together. In fact, they are so attached they won’t even eat in separate bowls! We just don’t have the heart to separate them. Opey and Fin are very sweet and affectionate. Both are sired by our former multiple Halter Champion and Best of Breed, Circle C Main Event. If you are looking for some pocket donkeys, look no more.


Heading to Nantucket Island, MA

Thank you Darcy Creech, founder of Jesus Camp Nantucket,  for making these boys part of the ‘mini’stry.

Check it out


Brayberry’s Asstilbe ‘Bennie’

Click Bennie’s picture for more photos and information

Bennie was another one that was never “for sale”.  He was always special to us as he was one of the few ivories to ever be seen in the show ring.  We received a call…a new show home was looking for an all-around performance donkey.  We hated to part with him but we were concentrating on a couple of others in the show ring and he wasn’t being taken nearly enough.  We decided to let him go…and he went to the perfect home! And also got to go with his buddy, Little Man, that was needing a little more exposure as well.  We’ve missed Bennie since the day he left but he and Julie have bonded and make a great pair.



Now owned and shown by Julie & Ray Archer, Sanger, TX

Congratulations on a fabulous first show with Bennie!!! (2016 Texas Shoot-Out).  Those two looked amazing together.


Magnolia’s Little Man of Royalty

son of Stock Markets Cash Royalty, Multiple Halter and Performance Champion

Little Man was a beautiful little spunky gelding that deserved more attention than he was getting here at Brayberry. He needed to be seen and to have a job. We were busy with some other show donkeys and didn’t have the time needed to work with him and add him to the show team. An opportunity arose for him to go with his pasture mate Bennie to a great new home that will enjoy driving him around. Who knows, maybe Little Man will be seen in the show ring. Keeping our fingers crossed.


Now owned by Ray & Julie Archer, Sanger, TX



Creekside Farm’s Ruth

Click Ruth’s picture for more photos and a short video of her

Cute little gray Ruth is back at Brayberry.  She went to live with Mattie the monkey for a spell but has returned home.  She is a sweetheart, loves attention and has been trained to drive.  She has not been driven in over a year so a little ‘brush up’ may be in order.  We would like to see her go to a home that would occasionally enjoy taking her for a little drive.  She is being sold as a pet and we would like to see her go with her pasture mate, Noir, below if possible.

DOB: 04-14-05


Congratulations to the Beller Family! Thanks to Lillian and Eli for providing such a wonderful home in Mountainburg, AR.



MGF Venus Primo Noir #141

Click Noir’s picture for more photos and pedigree

This seasoned jennet is by the famed Dewey Meadows Primo, an old established line. She has produced
a very nice little jennet for us however, due to dystocia on last delivery and loss of the foal she is being sold as a pet on a non-breeding contract.  For her safety she does not need to be re-bred.  She needs to go to a loving forever home.  A sweeter donkey cannot be found. Noir absolutely loves children and will follow them around, chasing away another donkey that gets close to ‘her child’.  Approved home only with guarantee of non-breeding and first right of refusal.  We would love to see her go with her pasture mate, Ruth, above if at all possible.

DOB: 09-01-01


Congratulations to the Beller Family! Thanks to Lillian and Eli for providing such a wonderful home in Mountainburg, AR.



Magnolia’s Royal Court Jester

son of Stock Markets Cash Royalty, Multiple Halter and Performance Champion

Click Jester’s picture for more photos and information

Jester never was “for sale”.  He was that perfect all around, halter and performance donkey that we never intended to part with.  But through circumstances and a “meant to be” situation, he went to another home where he will get the show exposure that he deserves.  He will be greatly missed.


Now owned and shown by Paula, Brian and Jaden of Donkey Ridge Farm, Spokane, MO

Congratulations on the High Point Championship win at your first show with Jester!!! (2015 Oklahoma Longears Classic)


Brayberry’s Marquee

son of Circle C Main Event, Multiple Halter Champion x Furball Acres Snow Angel

Click Marquee’s picture for more photos and pedigree

This little fellow was born at Brayberry Too (Parent’s place) while we were in Shelbyville showing at The Great Celebration.  We didn’t get to know him very well before he was snatched up and heading south (with his sister Addi B) to his new home at an Arabian farm.  We have wondered just how long that hair actually got….

DOB: 07-11-14


Gone to Harper Arabians, congrats Jeremy and Chelsea, Prattsville, AR


Brayberry’s Addi’s Snowdrop ‘Addi B’

daughter of Brayberry’s Asstilbe x Furball Acres Snow Angel

Click Addi B’s picture for more photos and pedigree

This cutie is a unique one for sure.  She is the only ivory we know of to have a star!  She is a tiny little thing and a doll for sure.

DOB: 04-25-13


Gone to Harper Arabians, congrats Jeremy and Chelsea, Prattsville, AR


Merry-Go-Round’s Blondie

Merry-Go-Round’s Mr. Perlino x Merry-Go-Round’s Dunkin

Click Blondie’s picture for more photos and pedigree

We never thought Blondie would leave.  She was our first BEW and the matriarch of our ivory herd.  We are still scratching our heads about this decision.  Her 2009 foal, Brayberry’s Asstilbe did well in the show ring and is a great little driving donkey.  We have retained her 2011 jennet foal, Lily, to carry on this exceptional ivory line.  We are going to miss this calm ole gal.

DOB: 07-09-01


Gone to Donkey Ridge Farm to live with Brian, Paula and Main Event, Spokane, MO


Obsidian ‘Sid’



Sid was one gorgeous horse.  The plan was to once again enjoy riding but we never seemed to get around to spending much time with the poor guy.  He enjoyed being a pasture ornament while at Brayberry.  We decided since his ears just didn’t measure up it was time for him to move on to greener pasture. We will miss this big guy (however, our standard donkey Solomon will NOT miss this guy).  We understand he lives in Kansas now with Debbie’s grandkids, he will get the attention he deserves finally.


Congrats to Debbie Coppock, Brighton, MO


Brayberry’s Angel’s Trumpet ‘Little Toot’

daughter of Brayberry’s Asstilbe x Furball Acres Snow Angel

Click Little Toot’s picture for more photos and pedigree

It was a very hard decision to let any of the ivories go.  We had to be on a waiting list and it took what seemed like a lifetime to get our first one.  But the time had come to thin the herd a bit and Debbie was wanting this color so we agreed to part with Angel and her daughter Lil Toot.  They went to a good home so we said goodbye.  Anxious to see the foals from these two at their new home. Click picture for more photos.

DOB: 03-26-12


Congrats to Debbie Coppock, Brighton, MO


Furball Acres Snow Angel


Click Angel’s picture for more photos and pedigree

It was a very hard decision to let any of the ivories go.  We had to be on a waiting list and it took what seemed like a lifetime to get our first one.  But the time had come to thin the herd a bit and Debbie was wanting this color so we agreed to part with Angel and her daughter Lil Toot.  They went to a good home so we said goodbye.  Anxious to see the foals from these two at their new home.

DOB: 06-25-06


Congrats to Debbie Coppock, Brighton, MO


Circle C Main Event

MGF Future Link x Soderglen’s Queenie

Click Main Event’s picture for more photos and pedigree

Well we are really going to miss this one.  Pure excellence.  Main Event has been a striking producer of outstanding foals. He comes from Champion breeding stock…an MGF Future Link son (Grand Champion Jack, Calgary Stampede World Show, 1999).  The genetics from this line are predictable and strongly proven.

DOB: 09-07-00


Take care of our boy Brian & Paula!  He couldn’t have gone to a finer home.

Donkey Ridge Farm, Spokane, MO


Liar’s Lake Blazing Light

“Lightning” Ivory (BEW) gelding


Lightning is a great little travel donkey. He enjoys being around people and is such a socialite! He would be a safe cart donkey for those just beginning or for kids to learn. He was only recently gelded and trained to drive so has not had years of experience but will RELUCTANTLY take you where you want to go. He has been standing at stud for so long, in his mind he was put on this earth for one purpose….and driving wasn’t it. He has an outstanding personality and loves to please. He was great as a jack and will be even better now that he’s gelded.



Thanks to Sandy Thomas for giving Lightning a great home.

 Brayberry’s Abracadabra

daughter of MGF Houdini’s Magic Time, 2013 NMDA Reserve National Champion Jack and 1st in Color Class x MornStar Erin

Click Abby’s picture for more photos and pedigree

We have been anxiously awaiting Magic Time’s first foal here at our farm. And look what we found….a dark (most likely black and white) spotted foal with a gorgeous spot pattern. Abby is just beautiful. Great job Magic (and Erin)! We are VERY pleased. Abby’s sire is of the infamous MGF line and she is a Harry Houdini granddaughter. Could be some wooly lurking…only time will tell.

DOB: 06-08-12


A big congratulations to Brian and Paula Selgelid of Donkey Ridge Farm, Spokane, MO

Thanks for giving Abby and Erin an awesome new home.  Looking forward to seeing you guys and Abby in the show ring next year!



MornStar Erin

Click Erin’s picture for more photos and pedigree


What a beautiful gal Erin is.  She has that nice shiny black color, a great match for Magic Time. Who, by the way, she just happens to be bred to for a 2014 fall foal.  She also has the sweetest personality and we’re sure she will be a favorite with all who meet her.  We were proud to present her as one of our brood jennets and are proud she will now be representing Donkey Ridge Farm in Missouri.


Thanks again Brian and Paula of Donkey Ridge Farm, Spokane, MO for providing Abby and Erin with such a great home.

 Creekside Farm’s Ruth


Click Ruth’s picture for more photos and pedigree

It was a sad day when Ruth left our farm.  She was one of the original 3 donkeys brought here and we are going to miss her.  As it turned out Mattie the monkey needed a ride and there was not a more perfect donkey than Ruth for the job.  So she was chosen to live and work with Mattie and Tito the monkey.  Check out her new friends at (also look at Mattie’s facebook page for the cutest pictures)

Since Mattie or Tito didn’t get to make the trip, Berliose the cat demonstrated how well Ruth could give a little fellow a ride.  Aren’t they adorable!




Congratulations to the Beller Family! Thanks to Lillian and Eli for providing such a wonderful home in Mountainburg, AR.



 Brayberry’s Hollyhocks (Pip)

daughter of Circle C Main Event, Multiple Halter Champion x Creekside Farm’s Ruth

Click Pip’s picture for more photos and pedigree

Holly, as she was called here, was not on our “for sale” page.  Cathy and Bruce met her, however, while visiting the two foals that they had picked out to become part of their family.  They had chosen a black and black and white spotted foal which they named Frodo and Merry.  It was not long before they decided they “needed” a gray donkey to join the other two (everyone needs more than two!).  Holly was the perfect addition and plans were made for her to join Frodo and Merry.  Since she was under two the registry allowed a name change and so she has become Pippin.

DOB: 07-14-11


Congratulations to Cathy and Bruce of Middle Earth Farm, Austin, AR


 Brayberry’s Bachelor’s Button

son of Circle C Main Event, Multiple Halter Champion x Parkside Toffee Chips

Click Bach’s picture for more photos and pedigree

Cute little Bach!  Toffee has always had really nice foals and this little (and we mean little) guy is no exception. Sired by multiple National Halter Champion, Circle C Main Event, and grandson to Future Link he will throw 50% black and has the potential to mature into a spectacular herdsire.  He is half brother to Indiana Jones, the beautiful spotted herdsire of the Li’l Angels herd.

DOB: 06-18-12


Congratulations to Peggy O’Glee, Casa, AR…can’t wait to see Bach in the show ring next year!


 Brayberry’s RoseMerry

daughter of Circle C Main Event, Multiple Halter Champion x Arrow Creek Ladybug

Click Merry’s picture for more photos and pedigree

The first foal of the season is always exciting.  And so much more when she’s a she and dark spotted to boot!  We assume this little girl will mature to be black and white spotted.  Main Event has been throwing the “blue eyed” gene to many of his recent foals and she is no exception.

DOB: 02-16-12


Congratulations to Cathy Messer and Bruce Edwards, Middle Earth Farm, Austin, AR


KKR Rowstabout

son of Rowdy Yates

Click Rowster’s picture for more photos and pedigree

Rowster would make a perfect performance donkey for the right owners. He is a beautiful donkey but has a little too much “spunk” for us to feel comfortable letting kids handle him. He is ready to find a home that appreciates his “get up and go”. He is beautiful with correct conformation, balance and movement and would make an outstanding show quality performance gelding with a little practice. He comes from the outstanding champion and performance line of Sunset Acres Rowdy Yates.

September 25, 2010: Rowster’s first parade…he was a hit at Frontier Days in Plainview, AR.

August 2011:  Rowster’s first show!  Reserve  Champion Gelding @ Halter, 4th Showmanship,  6th Coon Jumping

Thanks to Lee & Sandy Thomas of Phillipsburg, MO for giving Rowster a great new home!

Brayberry’s Jes ‘N Thyme

son of Ass-pirin Acres Jes N’ Credible x Arrow Creek Ladybug

Click Jesse’s picture for more photos and pedigree

At 10 months old Jesse is a pretty red-brown color but unfortunately has an underbite and therefore has been gelded.  He is a beautiful little donkey and would make an outstanding pet or show gelding.  Click picture for more photos.

DOB: 09-14-10


Congratulations to Lee and Sandy Thomas, Phillipsburg, MO


 Brayberry’s Silvertop

son of 2003 National ACOSA Champion Windcrest Over The Top x MornStar Erin

Click Silvertop’s picture for more photos and pedigree

What a well built little fellow!  He is absolutely the cutest thing with his silver color and solid black ears and ankles.  He has great movement and tracking, just a very fine little donkey.  He will make a nice show gelding or potential herdsire. Click picture for more photos.

DOB: 04-29-11


Congratulations to Jamie Parker of Fayetteville, AR (GO HOGS!)


 Brayberry’s Sweet William

son of multiple National Halter Champion Circle C Main Event x Parkside Toffee Chips

Click William’s picture for more photos and pedigree

Great spot pattern and color.  Nice legs, great width and an absolutely gorgeous tiny little head.  This little fellow is a definite winner.  Sired by multiple National Halter Champion, Circle C Main Event, and grandson to Future Link he has the potential to mature into a spectacular herdsire!

DOB: 04-29-11


Sweet William is staying in Arkansas…congratulations to the Duffield family!

Mockingbird’s Zoot Suit Riot

“Zoot” dark brown/white spotted gelding

We consider Zoot our training donkey. He is very slow, very forgiving, and very docile. We trust him completely with all ages. He came to us as a jack and we feel he will be outstanding now that he has been gelded. He has a sweet personality and is perfect for the beginner just learning to drive. We haven’t saddled him up but we suspect he would be good as a kid’s saddle donkey as well.

UPDATE: Zoot was saddled up for rides at our pumpkin patch and did outstanding. The kids just loved him!

Zoot is retiring with his pasture mate Noranda in Hot Springs, AR with Dr. Meagan & Billy Bonacci.

Li’l Angels Colonel Travis

son of Cobra’s Randy Travis

Click Travis’ picture for more photos and pedigree

Travis is an outstanding little donkey that has already excelled in the show ring. 1st Place Gelding & Jack Foals @ Halter, NMDA Nationals, Waco, TX 2008. He has the most unique personality and we are very attached to him. He craves attention and is great with people of all ages. If you are looking for a great little show donkey or just one to pleasure drive around the farm Travis may just be your guy.


Congrats to Jamie Green!  Can’t wait to see you and Travis in the show ring.

Brayberry’s Virginia Creeper “Gini”


Merry-Go-Round’s Bambi


Click pictures for more photos and pedigree

We are still not sure we want these two on our “for sale” page. They are best friends and we would consider letting them go if they are able go together. We just don’t have the heart to separate them. Both of these yearlings are very affectionate and both carry the ivory gene. If you have an ivory herd or are interested in starting one, these two are excellent candidates to expand your gene pool. The genetics of these two are a definite asset to any ivory breeder. Their conformation is outstanding. Bambi carries sorrel and will be able to produce sorrel, ivory and gray (depending on the jack) and Gini carries ivory and brown and should produce these colors.


Congratulations to the Duffield family! Russellville, AR

Brayberry’s Meet the Quince

son of Circle C Main Event x Creekside Farm’s Heather

Click Quincey’s picture for more photos and pedigree

Our first Main Event foal of the season and what a knockout with those big BLUE eyes!  We had heard rumors that Main Event might carry the gene to produce this so you can imagine our surprise when this little guy looked up at us.  Quincey is quite stunning with his “baby blues”.  He is out of our widest jennet and appears to have inherited some great qualities of each parent…nice wide straight legs and a phenomenal disposition.  If you’d like to have a blue eyed black give him a glance.

DOB: 03-15-11


Congratulations to Peggy O’Glee, you’ve got a beautiful boy!

Creekside Farm’s Heather

DOB: 03-15-05

When we began raising miniature donkeys we discussed keeping 12 brood jennets on the farm. Well you know how that goes! We are way beyond that and so have decided to offer just a couple to cut back a little. The hardest thing to decide is which ones to let go. We are not sure we want to part with her but have decided to offer Heather. She is a great jennet, she has had one foal and is a fantastic mom. She is correct with good conformation and width. She is a beautiful chocolate brown…almost black with gorgeous bright white points. She is bred to our multiple halter champion Circle C Main Event for a spring 2011 foal. This one should be outstanding.

Click Heather’s picture for photos and pedigree.


Thanks to Peggy O’Glee of Plainview, AR for spoiling Heather & Quincey!

Brayberry’s Galactic Warrior

son of Li’l Angels Galaxy x Parkside Toffee Chips

Click Warrior’s picture for more photos and pedigree

We are reluctantly offering Warrior for sale as we don’t have the facilities to house any more jacks. We have kept this little guy back to see how he matured and he is turning out to be everything that we expected. We have just loved this little guy since he was born here. We had our eyes on his sire Galaxy when we first saw him at Li’l Angels and tried to bring him home, BUT he was already spoken for. We did the next best thing and purchased Toffee who was in foal to Galaxy hoping for a carbon copy. We were not disappointed. Galactic Warrior is picture perfect and every bit as beautiful as dad! He is small, stocky and has a wonderful style and presence. We could not be more pleased…he is everything we had hoped for. It was our hope that Warrior would be the one to eventually replace Main Event and we think he could do the job! But that’s years down the road and we just do not have the space to keep him at this time. If you are looking for an awesome tiny little herdsire with the most beautiful head, he may just fit the bill. We will update pictures as he matures.

DOB: 02-17-10


Many thanks to Jamie Parker of Fayetteville, AR for giving Warrior a life of luxury!

Brayberry’s Jack-in-the-Pulpit

Click LittleJack’s picture for more photos and pedigree

What a tiny, cute cute cute little guy! Awesome leg markings…don’t see that often in the ivories. He was born small and will most likely stay small like his mom. We are very pleased with Snow Angel’s first foal. We would love to keep him but you just can’t keep them all. He will make a great small ivory herd sire or a fantastic pet.

DOB: 09-05-10


Thank you Jamie Parker of Fayetteville, AR for giving LittleJack an awesome new home!

bleedingheart2Li’l Angels Bleeding Heart

a Red October grandson
Dark Brown

Click Bleeding Heart’s picture for more information, photos and pedigree

We have made the difficult decision to let Bleeding Heart go. He was our first foal and we are extremely attached to him. He has wonderful straight legs, perfect balance, a beautiful head and LOOK AT THOSE EARS! He’s the center of attention around here. EVERYONE just loves him and guess what…he just loves back. He is so carefree and full of life. He’s a Brave Heart (ADMS National Reserve Junior Champion) son and Red October grandson. His Granddad, IBBC Red October, has been awarded some of the highest awards a herdsire can win. Supreme Champion Sire, Model Donkey and 1st Place Jacks are among the many of his achievements. Heart’s mom, LN Noranda, is from the old original imported bloodlines, her beginnings trace back to the very beginnings of miniature donkeys in America. A solid pedigree from foundation stock and the earliest registered donkeys in the country…

If you’re looking for quality Bleeding Heart may just be the one. He has been gelded and would make a wonderful show gelding or pet. He will begin cart training next spring and price will be adjusted accordingly.


Thank you to Jody Applewhite, Hot Springs, AR


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