
Brayberry’s Frodo


We were very impressed with Blondie’s jack foal.  We knew Main Event would have a positive impact on the ivory genetics and this little guy proves it.  He is a beautiful shiny black with bright white points and is stocky like dad.  Very, very nice ivory carrier.  He had some visitors at a few days old and they fell in love with him…end of story.  He will have a wonderful home at Middle Earth Gardens in Austin, AR with Cathy and Bruce.  They snatched him up before we had given him a name (our foals are usually named after plants/flowers).  So, being huge fans of Lord of the Rings, this little guy will be “Frodo”.


Photo courtesy of Itsy Bitsy Burro Co

Circle C Main Event


Brayberry’s Frodo

Merry-Go-Round’s Blondie

PEDIGREE:  champion producers (MGF Future Link, Circle C Main Event, Soderglen’s Queenie), Mr. Perlino line from Merry-Go-Round stock

ATTITUDE: the sweetest ever, like you want them all to be


Pedigree coming soon!

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