Brayberry’s Santini Sunflower “Sunni”
This is one spoiled rotten little donkey. She has had non-stop attention since birth and we think we have created a monster. She’s that pretty black color that we love and also a sorrel carrier. Since we’ve become so attached to her she most likely will stay at Brayberry. In addition to show potential her personality is such that she will be a great ambassador for our school field trips and other activities. We are really excited about seeing what the future has in store for her. LadyBug’s last two foals were very, very nice and Sunni is no exception.
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Brayberry’s Santini Sunflower |
Arrow Creek LadyBug |
PEDIGREE: some outstanding donkeys…Cobra genetics on the top side (Cobra’s Red Man), Jennie Sam of Belle E Acres, LN Nehemiah, Red Lightening, MGF Red Jet, 45 Magnum, Little Motown, Poquito Bandito to name a few. Bottom side sports Arrow Creek Hudini, McLendon’s Magnum, Hartman’s Peanuts
ATTITUDE: very loveable and is absolutely spoiled rotten
**Update** Sunni joined the show string in 2014 and has done very well placing either 1st or 2nd in all 3 halter classes that she competed in for the season. Her first show was the NMDA National Show! She placed second making her the Reserve National Champion Foal for 2014…at her very first show ever. The remaining two shows (one being the prestigious Great Celebration) resulted in 1st place ribbons for her. At her third and last show of the season she took on the ‘grownups’ and was named Reserve Grand Champion for the show…as a foal! Here are her achievements to date:
ADA **Excellence in Halter** 2015
ADA **Excellence in Performance – In Hand** 2016
NMDA National Show, Kansas Donkey Days, Hutchinson, KS, May 2014
2nd Place, Foals@Halter (class of 13)
The Great Celebration Mule and Donkey Show, Shelbyville, TN, July 2014
1st Place, Foals@Halter
Ozark Empire Fair, Springfield, MO, August 2014
1st Place, Foals@Halter
Reserve Grand Champion
The Texas Shoot-Out, Bryan, TX, June 2015
2nd Place, 2yo Jennets@Halter
Music City Show, Shelbyville, TN, July 2015
1st Place Pre-Green Showmanship@Halter
4th Place, Yearling Jennets@Halter
The Great Celebration Mule and Donkey Show, Shelbyville, TN, July 2015
5th Place, Yearling Jennets@Halter
Texas State Championships, Buffalo, TX, September 2015
2nd Place, Jennets@Halter, 2yo
2nd Place, Pre-Green Showmanship
2nd Place, Pre-Green Lead Race
3rd Place, Pre-Green Scramble
4th Place, Pre-Green Trail
NMDA Reserve Champion Pre-Green
State Fair of Texas, Dallas, TX, October 2015
2nd Place, Jennets@Halter, 2yo
1st Place Pre-Green Showmanship@Halter
2nd Place Pre-Green Lead Line Race
4th Place Pre-Green Trail
NMDA Reserve Champion Jennet
NMDA Champion Pre-Green
Silver Spur Classic, Locust Grove, OK, October, 2015
1st Place, Jennets@Halter, 2yo
3rd Place, Showmanship
3rd Place, Trail
NMDA Champion Jennet
North Carolina State Fair, Raleigh, NC, October, 2015
1st Place, Jennets@Halter, 2yo and above
3rd Place, Showmanship@Halter
3rd Place, Leadline Race
3rd Place, Trail
NMDA Champion Jennet
Kansas Donkey Days, Derby, KS, May, 2016
1st Place, 2 yo Jennets@Halter
1st Place, Hurry Scurry
2nd Place, Scramble
1st Place, Leadline Race
4th Place, In-Hand Trail
NMDA Champion Pre-Green
Texas Shoot-Out, Bryan, TX, June, 2016
2nd Place, 3yo & 4yo Jennets@Halter (Texas rules)
1st Place, Showmanship
1st Place, In-Hand Trail
1st Place, Scramble
3rd Place, Hunter
NMDA Champion Pre-Green
NMDA National Show, Buffalo, TX, September, 2016
4th Place, 3yo & 4yo Jennets@Halter
1st Place, Showmanship
1st Place, In-Hand Trail
1st Place, Scramble
1st Place, Hurry Scurry
1st Place, Single Stake Race
NMDA Champion Pre-Green
Ft. Worth Stock Show & Rodeo, Ft. Worth, TX, January 2017
1st Place, 3&4 yo Jennets@Halter
1st Place, Pleasure Driving
1st Place, Barrels
1st Place, Obstacle Driving
2nd Place, In-Hand Jumping
3rd Place, In-Hand Trail
Champion Jennet
High Point Champion, Green
Kansas Donkey Days, Reading, KS, May 2017
5th Place, 3yo Jennets@Halter
1st Place, In-Hand Jumping
1st Place, Scramble
3rd Place, In-Hand Trail
2nd Place, Obstacle Driving
5th Place, Single Stake
6th Place, Pleasure Driving
Southwestern Donkey & Mule ClASSic, Hamilton, TX, June 2017
1st Place, 3&4yo Jennets@Halter
1st Place, Pleasure Driving
1st Place, Reinsmanship
1st Place, Obstacle Driving
1st Place, Showmanship@Halter
1st Place, In-Hand Trail
1st Place, Scramble
2nd Place, Cones
3rd Place, Pole Bending
3rd Place, In-Hand Jumping
High Point Champion, Green
Music City Show, Shelbyville, TN, July 2017
4th Place, 3&4yo Jennets@Halter
1st Place, Solid Color Class
3rd Place, In-Hand Trail
2nd Place, Hurry Scurry
1st Place, Scramble
3rd Place, Obstacle Driving
3rd Place, Pleasure Driving
NMDA National Show, The Great Celebration, Shelbyville, TN, July 2017
Reserve NMDA National High Point Champion, Green
3rd Place, 3&4yo Jennets@Halter
1st Place, Pleasure Driving
1st Place, Obstacle Driving
1st Place, Lead Race
2nd Place, Scramble
3rd Place, Trail
4th Place, Single Stake
4th Place, Reinsmanship
4th Place, In-Hand Jumping
6th Place, Pole Bending
Ozark Empire Fair, Springfield, MO, August 2017
5th Place, 3&4yo Jennets@Halter (class of 13)
4th Place, Solid Color Class (class of 14)
2nd Place, Pleasure Driving
3rd Place, Coon Jumping
4th Place, In-Hand Trail
4th Place, In-Hand Jumping
Pedigree coming soon!