
Brayberry’s Belladonna

Oh my my…we love this little jennet!  Princess produces stylish and truly exceptional foals for us and we were so excited to see the result of pairing her with Magic Time. Bella is the result and all that we love in mini donkeys.  She is spunky, cantankerous…elegant, with a wonderful presence…comical personality (she REALLY makes us laugh)…striking…need we go on?  Perfect little stocky build, wide with wonderful substance and conformation.

Our second jennet by Magic Time and both have been black & white spotted with beautiful spot patterns.  Great job Magic and Princess! We are VERY pleased.

Plans are for Bella to join our show team as soon as she is old enough.



MGF Houdini’s Magic Time

NMDA Reserve National Champion Jack, 2013

1st Place 5yr & over Jacks, NMDA Nationals, 2013

1st place 3yr & over Jacks, ACOSA Nationals, 2013

1st Place Color Class, Shelbyville, TN 2013

1st Place 5yr & over Jacks, Texas Shootout, 2013

Brayberry’s Belladonna ‘Bella’

Donkette Korral’s Princess

Reserve Halter Champion

2008 NJ State Fair 1st Jennets 2yrs & over







PEDIGREE: top side: the infamous MGF herd, Venus Immortal, 45 Magnum, Peanut and Charlie Bandito, Guido Bandito, Ozark Jocko Bandito.  Circle C Little Motown, some Soderglen genetics and Dodge City Jack of Spades on the bottom.  Granddaughter of Sheloy’s CJ (whom we greatly admire!)

ATTITUDE: ornery to say the least!  She is in your face and very spiteful…full of herself and loves life and everything about it.  She will take to the show ring just fine!!!!

Pedigree coming soon!

**Update**:  Belladonna entered our 2015 show string as soon as she was old enough to go…seven months old and she loved every minute of it!  She loved the excitement, loved the commotion and loved the attention.  She didn’t care who was at the lead, adults or kids alike, she was ready to show off.


phinnbellaaddi_oef1 bella_emma

philnbella2LHP_7854 LHP_7852 LHP_5444



ADA **Excellence in Halter** 2017

Kansas Donkey Days, Hutchinson, KS,  May 2015

2nd Place, NMDA Foals@Halter

Texas Shoot-Out, Bryan, TX,  May 2015

1st Place, Foal & Yearling Jennets@Halter

Music City Show, Shelbyville, TN, July 2015

3rd Place, NMDA Foals@Halter

The Great Celebration Mule and Donkey Show, Shelbyville, TN, July 2015

1st Place, ACOSA Jennets 2yo and under

6th Place, NMDA Foals@Halter

Ozark Empire Fair, Springfield, MO,  August 2015

2nd Place, NMDA Foals@Halter

Texas State Championships, TX,  September 2015

1st Place Foals@Halter

Tennessee State Fair, Nashville, TN,  September 2015

3rd Place, Foals@Halter

Kansas Donkey Days, Hutchinson, KS,  May 2016

Champion ACOSA Jennet

1st Place, ACOSA Jennets @ Halter

5th Place, Yearling Jennets@Halter

Texas Shoot-Out, Bryan, TX,  June 2016

1st Place, 2yo Jennets@Halter (Texas rules)

NMDA National Show, Buffalo, TX, September 2016

Champion ACOSA Jennet

1st Place, ACOSA Jennets@Halter

4th Place, Yearling Jennets@Halter

Kansas Donkey Days, Reading, KS, May 2017

High Point Champion, Pre-Green

2nd Place, ACOSA Jennets

5th Place, 2yo Jennets@Halter

1st Place, Showmanship@Halter

1st Place, Lead Line Race

1st Place, Scramble

2nd Place, In-Hand Trail

2nd Place, In-Hand Jumping

Southwestern Donkey & Mule ClASSic, Hamilton, TX, June 2017

Champion ACOSA Jennet

1st Place, ACOSA Jennets

2nd Place, 3-4yo Jennets@Halter (Texas Rules)

2nd Place, Showmanship@Halter

2nd Place, In-Hand Jumping

3rd Place, Scramble

Music City Show, Shelbyville, TN, July 2017

Reserve High Point Champion, Pre-Green

2nd Place, ACOSA Jennets

3rd Place, 2yo Jennets@Halter

4th Place, In-Hand Trail

1st Place, Hurry Scurry

3rd Place, Scramble

The Great Celebration, Shelbyville, TN, July 2017 **NMDA National Show**

2nd Place, ACOSA Jennets

3rd Place, 2yo Jennets@Halter

5th Place, Lead Race (Green Division)

Ozark Empire Fair, Springfield, MO, August 2017

Champion ACOSA Jennet

1st Place, ACOSA Jennets

1st Place, 2yo and under Jennets@Halter (class of 14)

2nd Place, In-Hand Trail

2017 ACOSA National Halter High Point Jennet