
Schmitt’s Chloe

**2015 NMDA High Point Jennet of the Year**



This is one donkey that is near and dear to our heart. Chloe became one of the family in 2012 and we can honestly say there is not another donkey out there that could make us any happier than she does. We did not fully realize what a miniature donkey was capable of until she became a part of Brayberry. She has taught us much. Chloe is the one that started it all, and has kept us in the show ring when we were too exhausted to tackle another show. Her willingness, her orneriness, her sheer mischievousness has made it so much fun and worthwhile.

To see the story of how it came about that Chloe joined our family, see our 2012 show season page.

Chloe is one of the top winning show jennets in the country being named NMDA High Point Jennet of the Year twice, she has won 17 High Point and Reserve High point awards that we are aware of (including wins at the NMDA National shows) and she has been halter Champion or Reserve Champion 8 times (that we are aware of) and been awarded NMDA Best of Breed.  In 2015 she was back in the show ring after taking a year off…and the year off served her well.  2015 resulted in her best season ever.  She competed in 10 shows and was named High Point or Reserve in 7 of those.  She placed 1st in halter in 50% of the shows she entered and was named Champion Jennet or Reserve Champion Jennet in 4 shows.  And to top it off she achieved an NMDA Best of Breed title!  Other outstanding accomplishments for the year include Excellence in Halter, Excellence in Performance – In-Hand and Excellence in Performance – Driving awards from the American Donkey Association.  Ms. Chloe showed her heart out in 2015 and we are so proud of her.

We are so thankful to Kathy Schmitt of Bryan, TX for letting Chloe go and to Bobbie Ferraro of Navasota, Tx for training her to be what she is. To quote Kathy regarding Chloe…”She is both mischievous and independent” “She is inquisitive” “She also has a little bit of “stinker” in her personality, which makes her funny and fun.” We couldn’t agree more…Chloe is certainly ALL of these things. She will unlatch the gate to let her friends out, she will ignore and stick up her nose when being summoned, she considers herself better than the other donkeys that she is forced to share quarters with…it’s no wonder she is a champion in the show ring! A more conceited donkey will not be found.

Seriously, she is everything we could have hoped for. She is a supreme halter jennet that truly excels in performance. Both a halter AND performance champion…quite an achievement. Most donkeys tend to be one or the other but Chloe is a true all-around performer. We couldn’t ask for more.

Here are a few highlights in the short few years she has been with us…

She does halter…

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and she drives…


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She’s very versatile. Jumping classes, trail classes, she snigs and enjoys a few fun classes too…

Phil_Chloe_Jump Chloe_Phil_Coon Chloe_Phil_Jump

LHP_5936fb Lori_Chloe_Trail LHP_5938fb

shelbyville_e IMG_7671


2015 was a great year! 2015 Texas State Championship show…Ms. Chloe was awarded Champion Jennet, Best of Breed and High Point Champion



owned and shown by Kathy Schmitt, Schmitt’s Small Assets

2008-2010 Results to be added

***2011 NMDA Year End Champion High Point Jennet***

Ft. Worth Stock Show and Rodeo, Ft. Worth, TX, January 2011

Reserve Model Miniature Donkey

Reserve High Point Champion Green

The Great Celebration Mule and Donkey Show, Shelbyville, TN, July 2011

Reserve High Point Champion Green

**NMDA National Show**, Waco, TX, April 2011

NMDA Reserve National Champion Jennet

SDMS Kick Up Your Hooves Spring Fling, Lufkin, TX, May 2011

Reserve High Point Champion Green

SDMS Fall Fantastic, Belton, TX, October 2011

High Point Champion Green


Chloe retires in TX after the 2011 season, relocates to Brayberry summer of 2012! Here are some achievements since coming to Arkansas:


The Great Celebration Mule and Donkey Show, Shelbyville, TN, July, 2012

1st Place Jennets to Halter, 5Yr & over (class of 17)

NMDA Champion Jennet

Ozark Empire Fair, Springfield, MO, August, 2012

1st Place Jennets to Halter, 3Yrs and over

Champion Jennet

Reserve Champion Miniature Donkey

Reserve High Point Champion

Kansas State Fair, Hutchinson, KS, September, 2012

NMDA High Point Champion

Florida State Fair, Tampa, FL, February, 2013

NMDA Reserve High Point Champion

River Valley Mule & Donkey Show, Shawnee, OK, May, 2013

results to be added

Kansas State Fair, Hutchinson, KS, September, 2013

NMDA Reserve High Point Champion

Tennessee State Fair, Nashville, TN, September, 2013

NMDA High Point Champion

Chloe took 2014 season off for breeding. She did not settle 😥 so was brought back to the ring for 2015. The year off was great for her as 2015 was HER year. Her best year yet! She was named High Point or Reserve in 7 of 10 shows that she competed in, awarded 1st place halter in 50% of the shows she attended, named Champion or Reserve Champion Jennet in 4 shows and achieved NMDA Best of Breed!  Other outstanding accomplishments for the year include Excellence in Halter, Excellence in Performance – In-Hand and Excellence in Performance – Driving awards from the American Donkey Association. A fantastic year for Ms. Chloe.

Texas Shoot Out, Bryan, TX, June 2015

Reserve High Point Champion

The Great Celebration Mule and Donkey Show, Shelbyville, TN, July, 2015

NMDA Reserve High Point Champion

Texas State Championships, Buffalo, TX, September 2015

1st Place Jennets to Halter, 5Yrs and over

NMDA Champion Jennet

**NMDA Best of Breed**

NMDA High Point Champion

Kansas State Fair, Hutchinson, KS, September, 2015

Champion Jennet

1st Place Jennets to Halter, 3Yrs and over

NMDA High Point Champion

Tennessee State Fair, Nashville, TN, September, 2015

NMDA High Point Champion

State Fair of Texas, Dallas, TX, October 2015

1st Place Jennets to Halter, 3Yrs and over

NMDA Reserve High Point Champion

Silver Spur Classic, Locust Grove, OK, October 2015

1st Place Jennets to Halter, 3Yrs and over

NMDA Reserve Champion Jennet

North Carolina State Fair, Raleigh, NC, October 2015

NMDA Reserve Champion Jennet

NMDA High Point Champion

ADA **Excellence in Halter** 2015

ADA **Excellence in Performance – In-Hand** 2015

ADA **Excellence in Performance – Driving** 2015


PEDIGREE:  a full pedigree going back to the original imports and foundation herd including Philamena and Valintino lines. She is granddaughter to the great halter and performance champion LN Redsonnehi and sired by GCDMA Supreme Champion Sire, Spikehorn Ranch Romeo (who is also sire to Schmitt’s Zephyr, one of the country’s top winning show geldings) and out of For Pete’s Sake Jody.

ATTITUDE: as stated above…mischievous, independent, inquisitive…a real stinker but knows what to do and does it well!



coming soon!