
Troytown’s Code of Conduct ‘Conny’

The most beautiful donkey on the place…hands down. Conny has style, lots of it!  Beautiful dark spot pattern and what presence.  Stocky, thick, well built and drafty little jennet with the pretty head that draws your attention. She is what we wished they all looked like.  Pictures are of her in Shelbyville, TN @ The Great Celebration Mule and Donkey Show in 2012.  She was awarded ACOSA Reserve National Champion Jennet.  Conny came to us in late 2013 from Glee Creek Miniature Donkeys, Gilder Cantrell.  Photos are courtesy of Gilder.


(click on above photos for larger images)

A fun shot of the “girls trip” to South Carolina to pick Conny up from Glee Creek.  What a great time we had.  Pictured are: Dayle Haworth (Half Ass Acres), Lori Howard (Brayberry Farm), Debby Miller (Millers Meadow) and Dena Wilson (Rockin 615 Ranch).


PEDIGREE: Fisher and Circle C on the top side going  down to Valintino and Philamena lines on the bottom as well as The Fireman.  Her sire is Big Woods Secret Code, son of Motown’s Secret.

ATTITUDE: a bit cautious but very sweet

OFFSPRING: Her first, Brayberry’s Harlequin Romance, was born in 2017 and is a dandy.  She her on our 2017 Foals page or click her name above.



(shown by Gilder Cantrell, Glee Creek Miniature Donkeys)

ACOSA Nationals at The Great Celebration Mule & Donkey Show, Shelbyville, TN, July 2012

**2012 ACOSA Reserve National Champion Jennet**




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