
MGF Venus Primo Noir 141

Noir is absolutely the blackest donkey we have ever seen and we are very happy to add her to our herd.  We have been wanting to add the Primo line to our ivories for some time and are thrilled to be able to achieve this with Noir.  She has an interesting pedigree and should produce a myriad of colors.  Her mom was a half-red wooly daughter of The Fireman and dad was the well known jack, Primo, of the Dewey Meadows herd.

PEDIGREE: old established bloodlines of the Dewey Meadows herd: Guido, Valentino, Primo as well as The Fireman and some wooly genetics thrown in on the bottom side

ATTITUDE: sweet personality…laid back and a pleasure to be around

OFFSPRING: we do not have much information on past offspring however we do know that she threw a red and white spot in 2007, Braying Hills Strawberry Kiss, and her last foal was a cute little black jennet

2011: A very delightful, spiteful little solid black ivory carrier jennet by Merry-Go-Round’s Asstilbe.  She is Asstilbe’s first foal and we are very pleased. This foal has an over the top personality.  See Jujube on our 2011 foals page.

Sad news…Noir lost her 2013 foal due to fescue toxicosis.  Due to the extreme drought we were forced to purchase hay from an unknown provider.  We were guaranteed it to be fescue free.  After dystocia and subsequent loss of the foal and near loss of Noir, we sent a hay sampling to the toxicology lab at Oregan State University where it was confirmed to contain trace endotoxins.  It doesn’t take much folks…take note, it takes less with donkeys than with horses.  Be very sure of your hay and only deal with a hay provider you know and trust if at all possible.  Never give fescue during the last months of pregnancy.  (Fescue is a common cause of ‘red bag’ births, if you are not familiar with how this presents contact us for pictures so that you will be educated should it happen to you.  It is not always fatal for the foal if you are aware and act very quickly…don’t be uneducated like we were, it could be the difference between life and death)

Noir will not be re-bred.  She will be available to a forever home (on a non-breeding contract) that can give her the love she craves.  She is over the top affectionate and absolutely loves children, often chasing other donkeys away should they come close to ‘her’ child.  One of the most loving, laid back donkeys you will come across.




coming soon!

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