Tinker Belle

Cyder’s Tinker Belle


Tinker is a beautiful little correct jennet with lots of style and presence…which we hope she will pass on to her foals. Time will tell as she is due to foal 2016!  Tinker was never shown as she belongs to our parents and has been living at Brayberry Too. She has only recently relocated to Brayberry and we are happy to have such a fine looking jennet join the herd.  In addition to being such a beautiful girl just look at her CURLY hair!  She has waves of thick curly hair…gorgeous.




PEDIGREE:  reads like who’s who in the donkey world.  If you know pedigrees you will recognize the outstanding genetics in this little jennet.  She is granddaughter to Valentino the 50th on the top side and the great LN Foxworthy, a multi-Grand Champion, on the bottom side. You will also find Nicodemus, The Fireman, the great producer Jennie Sam of Bell E Acres and Little Red Julie.  Her sire is Sunset Acres Red Sunset…a multiple Grand Champion and High Point Winner.  Her pedigree can be traced back to the original imports and is full of many of the legendary foundation donkeys.

OFFSPRING: she is currently in foal to Best of Breed and multi Grand Champion, Quarter Moon Ticker Tape for a 2018 foal.

Her 2016 foal, Opening Belle, can be seen on our 2016 foals page.

And just for fun…

She wants you to know, she can play dead 😉



coming soon