2011 show results

2011 Show Results


Well our first year of showing has drawn to a close.  It was a definite learning experience and a lot of fun.  We started off our season by attending The Great Celebration Mule and Donkey Show in Shelbyville, TN.  It was quite an experience.  To read of our adventure click on “How many trucks does it take to get to Shelbyville”.

Fortunately the remaining 3 shows that went a little smoother!  We had a great time at each and every one.

A few highlights and memories of our 1st show season:

*Magic Time placing 3rd in the ACOSA Nationals (at his very first show)!

*Taking Sadie at the last minute to Shelbyville with very little training (see above story for details).  She did fantastic placing 6th of 13 and we couldn’t believe it.  After this, her first show, she really caught on and placed 1st in every halter class she entered for the remainder of the show season.  And to think we almost left her home!

*Magic Time winning Champion Jack and then on to Grand Champion at his second show! (and Sadie being awarded Reserve Grand Champion).  Magic was absolutely terrified to be taken off the farm and into the chaos of the outside world.  After 4 shows we thought he would settle down and become accustomed to the sights and sounds.  But even in his 4th show, he was still so frightened and clearly not comfortable with all this business.  When we arrived home I heard Phil tell him he didn’t have to do this anymore. So, I guess his show career is over, sigh.  He is a beautiful little man and we would have loved for the world to see more of him but his well being is more important.  So thanks to Magic for giving it a shot (but look for one of his foals to be in the ring before too long).

*Sadie performing in unofficial “Catch Your Ass” classes as she escaped in two of our four shows and nearly again in Fort Smith.

*Our last show – Ft. Smith Mule and Donkey Show – and what a fun show this was.  I don’t know what exactly it was about this show but it was clearly a great time.  The particular mix of exhibitors, knowing it was the last show of our season, being close to home, our grandson Ryder’s first showing…who knows why but it was just fun!  Ryder came home with two blue ribbons in his first show (at 4 years old!)…well actually 2 blue and a red.  When he was offered his blue ribbon he told them he liked red better!  So they gave him a red one to hang up in his room and his grammy, of course, grabbed his blue while he was not looking.  And what a ham he was just waving to the crowd.  He and Millie were a hit in PeeWee Trail and the crowd loved him and Lily in costume class.  He was a fireman and she, our little ivory foal, was his dalmatian.  She had little black dots painted all over her.  We were actually offered big bucks for that very uniquely spotted black and white donkey!  It was tempting to keep quiet but realized the spots would be gone in a day or two so had to confess.

Our 2011 Showstring

MGF Houdini’s Magic Time

Frontier Legends Sadie

Brayberry’s Russian Olive

Brayberry’s Lady Camellia

KKR Rowstabout

Brayberry’s Lily-of-the-Valley


Our overall results:

1st place:  8

2nd place:  3

3rd place:  6

4th place:  4

5th place:  1

6th place:  4

Champion Jack

Champion Jennet

Reserve Grand Champion


Grand Champion!

It was a great year and we are already planning for 2012!

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