2013 Show Season

2013 Show Results

Our second year of showing in performance classes and it was a blast.  We have some really great donkeys (and friends) that make showing a great deal of fun.  The year started off with a friend, Debby Miller from Kansas (Miller’s Meadow Miniature Donkeys), calling to say she was going to Florida to the donkey show and why didn’t I (Lori) just go with her.  After all she had to pass through our town on her way…she could just pick Chloe and me up on the way.  It was February, it was cold, sunny Florida sounded like a great idea, I was in.  We left the guys home to tend to the animals and off the two of us went…with unclipped donkeys!  What a great trip and wonderful show!  Met new donkey friends and enjoyed 80+ degree weather.  Chloe and Debby’s donkey Wyatt tied for reserve High Point with the winner being awarded by the highest placing in Showmanship.  Chloe ended up taking the belt buckle home as Reserve Hi Point Champion of the show.

A few shots at the Florida show (NMDA)

IMG_7554 IMG_7776florida

Next it was off to Shawnee, OK in May to attend the River Valley Mule and Donkey Show. I can’t say that we were mentally prepared for this show.  The devastation in Shawnee from tornados the week prior had left the town in turmoil and we were feeling reluctant to show under the circumstances.  We made the decision to go on and off we headed with a new donkey in tow.  This was Asstilbe’s (aka Bennie) first show.  He had been in training in Texas with Bobbie Ferraro for several months and we were anxious to get him in the ring.  Also, our jack Magic Time had been with Sandi Costa to learn some manners to prepare to be shown in halter at the Nationals in July.  Sandi was bringing Magic to see how he took to the whole show business.  We had shown him 2 years prior but he was so frightened of being off the farm we didn’t pursue his show career.  He was a little frightened (had a panic attack while walking over a tarp in practice and just laid down) but made it through the show just fine.  He performed in halter, trail and jumping classes.  Asstilbe performed in ALL the classes, shown by our good friend Kathy Schmitt.  He was a real trooper and made us proud.  He even placed in halter in a large gelding class!  We had been excited to get one of our ivories in the show ring and Asstilbe was a hit.  He was so handsome in harness…we were glad we had made the decision to attend.

Some pics from the River Valley show

bennie_obstacles  JOE_2734  JOE_1072

Asstilbe_coonjump    JOE_0511

  JOE_1494  JOE_0604JOE_0226

Next was the Texas Shootout in June.  Since we were volunteers at this show we decided to not take any donkeys.  Magic was still at Sandi’s preparing for Nationals and we naturally wanted to see how he did at his second show.  He was again shown in halter, trail and jumping classes.  1st in halter…yay Magic.  He was finally starting to settle in and overcome his fears.  Phil served as gate keeper for the cones course portion and I served as ring steward for trail, halter and showmanship classes. What a great learning experience. There were 3 rings going to keep the show timely and running smoothly.  It worked great…wish all shows had this option.  There was a “driving judge” as well which made this show really interesting.  She would critique the exhibitors at the end of the driving classes.  Wishing we had brought Chloe.  Maybe next year…

magicjump1  magictrail  magictrailjump   

Time had come for Nationals!  We had been practicing, dreaming, stressing, planning, you name it… for weeks (months) before this show.  We had never seen a National Show let alone compete in one.  We had been to Shelbyville and it was our favorite place to show so how different could it be?  Three other farms stopped over on Monday night and on Tuesday morning we all headed out.  Millers Meadow from Kansas, Lil Graceland from Texas and Young Guns from Oklahoma were our guests along with Wayne Lyon from Canada.  The idea was to share trailer space and split gas expense which worked out great.  We also were able to rent a hunting lodge which was large enough for our group…fun times.  We made lifetime memories during this week.

Wayne had agreed to show Asstilbe at his second show, Sandi was showing Magic in halter and Lori was showing Chloe in performance.  Phil was showing Chloe and Asstilbe in halter, lead race and jumping classes.  Bobbie Ferraro was showing Asstilbe in trail.  Phil was showing Pasture Stars Lee Marvin in lead race and jumping for Bobbie.  And Lori was showing Creole in halter for Lil Graceland.  Whew….who’s on first?   How did we keep all this straight????  It was a fantastic show!  Magic placed 1st in all 3 of his classes and was awarded Reserve National Champion Jack!  We are soooo proud of him.  Chloe brought home three 2nds, three 3rds and a 5th.  Asstilbe (our ivory) took 2nd in Coon Jumping, and placed in In-Hand Jumping and Reinsmanship…in the National Show…his second show.  Way to go Asstilbe, or as the announcer called him A…still…bee.

It was a fantastic show and one that we will never forget.

Here are some memories from our first National Show…

MGF Houdini’s Magic Time, NMDA Reserve National Champion Jack

Magic_Ribbons Magic_head

Schmitt’s Chloe


Chloe_Phil_Jump ChloeObstDriv  Chloe_ObsDriPhil_Chloe_Jump Chloe_Lori_Showmanship Reinsmanship Chloe_Phil_halter

 Brayberry’s Asstilbe


Wayne_Asstilbe_PleasDriv Asstilbe_Phil_Jump Phil_Asstilbe_JumpWayne_Asstil_ObstDriv

Next was a weekend trip to Springfield, MO to watch and help at the Ozark Empire Fair.  We decided to give our donkeys a rest and so left them at home while we headed north.  Lori helped show Wyatt Earp for Millers Meadow in a few classes.  Our good friends Lee and Sandy Thomas own and showed Brayberry’s Jes ‘N Thyme who placed 1st in a huge class of geldings and was awarded Reserve Grand Champion for the show!  Way to go Jesse.  Here’s Sandy and Jesse (whom she refers to as Picklepuss)


The Kansas State Fair was next. Chloe performed well winning 4 classes and placing in 4 others.  She was awarded Reserve High Point Champion for the show.  It was Bennie’s 3rd show and he placed in Coon Jumping, Obstacle Driving, Keyhole and the Cones Course.  Our good friend Paula Selgelid helped us show him, doing a fabulous job in Pleasure Driving….they were stunning!  See for yourself….


On to Nashville, TN for the Tennessee State Fair.  This was a very enjoyable show for us as it was smaller and more laid back, very refreshing after all the hoopla at a national show and the long drive to Kansas.  We met new friends and had a great time.  Chloe was awarded Hi-Point Champion and Asstilbe (“Bennie”) WON the coon jumping class against some stiff competition! Those TN folks are known for their high jumping donkeys.  Woo hoo Bennie, way to go.  Sure wish we had a pic of that one!

The donkeys were starting to get a little tired of all this show business but we loaded ’em up once again and headed to Oklahoma for the State Fair.  The judge made a special point to come up after the trail class to compliment Chloe on an excellent performance, one of the best he’s seen he said…”but you went around the cone on the wrong side”…UGH…DQ!  Still trying to live this one down.  Knocked her right out of point contention due to human error! Good grief, pay attention human.  She went on to win the Pleasure Driving class.  Bennie had a decent show but nothing to write home about…he did actually step up on the box in trail, something that we struggle with to this very day.  We tell people that donkeys are NOT stubborn, but when it comes to boxes and Bennie….

It was time for the State Fair of Texas…the last show of our season.  We were all tired.  Our little donks had traveled to 4 out of state shows in 5 weeks.  We don’t remember much about this show but do remember was that there was sure a lot of PINK!

Our 2013 Show String

Schmitt’s Chloe

MGF Houdini’s Magic Time

Brayberry’s Lady Camellia

Brayberry’s Asstilbe (Bennie)

Florida State Fair (NMDA)

Schmitt’s Chloe

Reserve High Point Champion

1st Place, Showmanship@Halter

1st Place, In-Hand Trail

1st Place, Barrel Race

2nd Place, Costume Class (milk cow/milk maid)

3rd Place, Pleasure Driving

4th Place, In-Hand Jumping

4th Place, Leadline Rach

6th Place, Coon Jumping

6th Place, @Halter


River Valley Mule & Donkey Show (NMDA)

results not recorded 🙁


Texas Shoot-Out

MGF Houdini’s Magic Time

1st Place Jacks@Halter, 5 years and over


The Great Celebration, Shelbyville, TN (NMDA/ACOSA) **National Show**

MGF Houdini’s Magic Time

Reserve National Champion Jack

1st Place Jacks@Halter, 5 years & over

1st Place ACOSA Jacks@Halter, 3 years & over

1st Place Color Class, all sizes


Schmitt’s Chloe

2nd Place, In-Hand Trail

2nd Place, In-Hand Jumping

2nd Place, Snigging

3rd Place, Showmanship@Halter

3rd Place, Pleasure Driving

3rd Place, Obstacle Driving

5th Place, Single Stake Race


Brayberry’s Asstilbe

2nd Place, Coon Jumping

6th Place, Snigging

6th Place, Pleasure Driving


Kansas State Fair (NMDA)

Schmitt’s Chloe

Reserve High Point Champion

1st Place, Trail

1st Place, Obstacle Driving

1st Place, Scramble

1st Place, Hurry Scurry

3rd Place, Pleasure Driving

4th Place, Jennets@Halter, 3yr and older

5th Place, Big T

6th Place, Coon Jumping


Brayberry’s Asstilbe

4th Place, Keyhole

5th Place, Coon Jumping

6th Place, Obstacle Driving

6th Place, Cones Course


Tennessee State Fair (NMDA)

Schmitt’s Chloe

High Point Champion

1st Place, Jennets@Halter

1st Place, Trail Class

1st Place, Obstacle Driving

2nd Place, Pleasure Driving

2nd Place, Snigging (w/Randy Cason)

4th Place, Single Stake Race


Brayberry’s Asstilbe

1st Place, Coon Jumping

5th Place, Solid Color Class


Oklahoma State Fair (NMDA)

Schmitt’s Chloe

1st Place, Pleasure Driving

2nd Place, Obstacle Driving

2nd Place, In-Hand Jumping

3rd Place, Showmanship@Halter

3rd Place, Pole Bending

3rd Place, Leadline Race

4th Place, Jennets@Halter, 3yr and over

4th Place, Coon Jumping

4th Place Barrel Race

DQ, Trail


Brayberry’s Asstilbe

3rd Place, Leadline Race

5th Place, Geldings@Halter 3yr and over

7th Place 🙂 , Pole Bending

7th Place 🙂 , Barrel Race


State Fair of Texas (NMDA)

Schmitt’s Chloe

2nd Place, Leadline Race

3rd Place, Jennets@Halter, 5yr and over

3rd Place, Trail Class

3rd Place, Big T

5th Place, Showmanship@Halter

5th Place, Barrel Racing

5th Place, Obstacle Driving

6th Place, Snigging

6th Place, Pole Bending








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