2014 Show Season

2014 Show Results

Still recovering from attending 9 shows in 2013, we took a breather in 2014 and slowed down a bit.  Chloe was not on our “string” for the year as she was out for breeding…Bennie was going to have to step it up!  Our intention was to begin the year in sunny Florida but with uncertain road conditions between here and there we decided it best to leave the trailer and donkeys at home.  We jumped into the Prius and headed that direction. What a great time we had helping friends show and taking pictures of others in their classes.  Phil helped to show Frontier Legends Wyatt Earp for Millers Meadow (Wyatt was High Point donkey for the show…we love this little guy). We were able to enjoy the hospitality of Bill and Sally Dunn of Country Blessings Farm who invited us to stay at their place while we were enjoying our time in FL.  From there we took a day trip to Disney World/Epcot. What a fun trip.  Here are a few shots at the show…

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Our first show of the season was the National Show held at Kansas Donkey Days in May.  There were more donkeys at this show than we had ever seen in one place!  This was, we think, the biggest show we had been to.  A great turnout and all seemed to be having a such a good time.  The costume class was phenomenal…folks went all out for sure.  We took only “Brayberry” donkeys for the first time and we were so proud of them!  Sunni placed 2nd in the foal class (class of 13) and Star placed 2nd in the 2yr jennet class (class of 11), this was only her second show and the first was when she was a baby.  Asstilbe (Bennie) placed 6th in halter in a HUGE gelding class of 19!  Way to go ivory boy…

Dena Wilson and Sally Lightner stopped over on the way and helped us with show prep…so appreciate these gals.  Emma Sage Bien-Lambeth was handler for Brayberry’s Daisy Duke…talk about pure cuteness.  Thanks so much Emma Sage, you are awesome! How cute are these two….

EmmaandDaisy EmmaandDaisy2


and just look how beautiful Star (Brayberry’s A Star Is Born) was…


Bennie (Brayberry’s Asstilbe) at 2014 Nationals…those baby blues…



and let’s not forget Sunni…


After a couple of months rest it was off to Shelbyville in July….with a new donkey!  Magnolia’s Royal Court Jester had come to Brayberry and was now the newest member of our show team.  We did not even have a chance to work with him at home before the show!  Daisy, Sunni and Jester were loaded in the trailer and we were once again off to our favorite place to show.  We left with 3 and returned with 6!  Cobra’s Windy Sue needed to hitch a ride west to join the Donkey Ridge herd and Lazy J’s Elvira (owned by Dana Rathbun)  was coming to Brayberry to romance our jack Magic Time.  Magnolia’s Little Man of Royalty was coming to live at Brayberry as our newest addition.  It was a trailer full.

Our grandson, Ryder, was visiting the evening before we were to leave and decided that he needed to go as well.  So with only hours notice we had an additional handler for our trip.  This one turned out to be a special show…all about the grandkids.  It was Ryder’s first ‘real’ show and Addison came to watch.  Ryder and Daisy were strutting their stuff in halter.  Ryder and JC Clanton fast became friends and were both smokin’ hot in youth classes.  The ring stewart, Jimmy, certainly seemed to be having a ball with these two little guys and their donkeys.  High fives were flyin’.

We couldn’t have been prouder of our team.  Sunni and Jester both took 1st in their halter classes at this show.  And Jester was awarded Reserve Champion Gelding.

Here’s Ryder and Papaw with their donkeys Daisy and Sunni…

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This was what Jester was supposed to do….

Shelby14-9but for Ryder, here’s what he did…


That was one of our all time favorite show pics, instead of jumping the bale, he stopped short and had a snack! Look at the hay hanging out of his mouth.  Here are a few more of Ryder’s first ‘real’ show…


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We have to say that this was one of the most enjoyable Shelbyville trips we’ve taken.  It was fun watching the kids and the show wasn’t as ‘serious’ as usual it seemed.  On our way home we stopped at the Arkansas Welcome Center. Ryder just had to get a donkey out of the trailer to explain all about miniature donkeys to the staff there.  Elvira was at the back so won the honors.  We were sure Dana wouldn’t mind.

IMG_1464Ryder decided after we had been on the road for around 8 hours after this week long trip that we needed to hurry home so we could “work our donkeys”.  Appreciate your enthusiasm but don’t think so buddy….

It was time for our 3rd and last show of this season.  A show of firsts!  We headed to Springfield, MO to compete at the Ozark Empire Fair with TWO new donkeys and were going to drive a TEAM!  Have you ever had to do something just to say you did it?  Our good friend Lee Thomas had agreed to help us harness and show the team and Sisu Morris (of Stock Markets Miniature Donkeys) had sent her team cart and harnesses home with us from a recent visit there to pick up our newest donkey…Cedar Creek’s Nickelsby.  Nick and Jester would be entered in the team classes.

Itsy Bitsy Mr. Playbill had also come to live at Brayberry’s as Ryder’s new show donkey.  We had told the Henderson’s of H3 Miniatures that if they ever decided to part with him to contact us….well the time had come.  Mandy had purchased a new show donkey and we were so excited to finally be able to bring Playbill here.  He was perfect for Ryder and they bonded immediately.  See the full story of how Mr. Playbill came to be at Brayberry as Ryder’s show donkey here.

Nick had only been with us a few weeks and only harnessed at our place once (the night before the show…are you seeing a pattern here), so we weren’t sure what to expect.  But my oh my what a performance! 1st in Showmanship, 1st in Obstacle Driving, 2nd in Halter, 2nd in Trail, 2nd in Pleasure Driving in a huge class of 20 entries (that’s a lot of driving donkeys) and in the ribbons in several other classes!  We think he’s a keeper!  Many thanks to Rhonda Tippie for showing him in the championship round for us.  Jester, our other new donkey, placed 1st in his halter class (for the second show in a row).  Way to go Jester.

And we have to brag a little on our little foal Santini Sunflower ‘Sunni’.  She was awarded Reserve Champion Halter Donkey (as a foal!).  Of the 3 shows she’s traveled to this year she has been awarded 2 firsts and a second.  Thinkin’ we’re gonna keep her on the show string.

PJW_6147 PPP_9517Apologizing on the front end here for all the photos of this show. Pearl (of Pearl’s Pics) takes the absolute best pictures!  She’s an amazing photographer and we love her work.  When she is the photographer, we spend way too much money.  Here goes….

Here’s Ryder showing little Daisy Duke…

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And for our favorite show pics of all time, Ryder and his new show donkey…Itsy Bitsy Burro Co. Mr. Playbill






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Well, we said several firsts…this is a first AND a last.  We hitched a team to compete at this show.  Not something to continue, it’s wayyyy too much work.  Here’s two of our new donkeys performing together, both with Lori in Pleasure Driving and with our good friend Lee Thomas in the speed events.  Magnolia’s Royal Court Jester and Cedar Creek Farms Nickelsby…



  Here’s a closer look at one of the new ones this year, Cedar Creek’s Nickelsby “Nick”


  and the other new one, Magnolia’s Royal Court Jester “Jester”

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Our 2014 Show String

Brayberry’s Asstilbe (Bennie)

Brayberry’s Santini Sunflower

Brayberry’s A Star Is Born

Brayberry’s Daisy Duke

Magnolia’s Royal Court Jester

Cedar Creek’s Nicklesby

Itsy Bitsy Burro Co Mr. Playbill

Kansas Donkey Days **NMDA National Show**

Brayberry’s Santini Sunflower

Reserve National Champion Foal

2nd Place, Foals@Halter (class of 13)


Brayberry’s A Star Is Born

2nd Place, 2yr old Jennets@Halter (class of 11)


Brayberry’s Asstilbe

6th Place, Geldings@Halter, 5yr and over, (class of 19)

3rd Place, Solid Color Class (class of 17)

5th Place, Coon Jumping

6th Place, Keyhole Race

5th Place, Pleasure Driving


The Great Celebration, Shelbyville, TN

Brayberry’s Santini Sunflower

1st Place, Foals@Halter


Magnolia’s Royal Court Jester

Reserve Champion Gelding

1st Place, Geldings, Geldings@Halter, 5yr and over

2nd Place, Youth Showmanship

2nd Place, Youth Lead Race

2nd Place, Youth Obstacle Driving

2nd Place, Youth Trail Class

3rd Place, Youth Pleasure Driving

3rd Place, Youth Reinsmanship

3rd Place, Youth Coon Jumping

4th Place, Showmanship

4th Place, Lead Race

4th Place, Trail

4th Place, In-Hand Jumping

4th Place, Coon Jumping

5th Place, Pleasure Driving

6th Place, Snigging


Ozark Empire Fair, Springfield, MO

Brayberry’s Santini Sunflower

Reserve Grand Champion

1st Place, Foals@Halter (class of 10)


Magnolia’s Royal Court Jester

1st Place, Geldings@Halter, 3yr and over (class of 15)

1st Place, In-Hand Jumping

2nd Place, Showmanship@Halter

2nd Place, Obstacle Driving

4th Place, Snigging

4th Place, Pole Bending

6th Place, Trail Class



Cedar Creek’s Nicklesby

2nd Place, Geldings@Halter, 3yr and over (class of 15)

1st Place, Showmanship@Halter

1st Place, Obstacle Driving

2nd Place, Pleasure Driving

2nd Place, Trail class

4th Place, In-Hand Jumping

5th Place, Barrel Race

6th Place, Snigging


IBBC Mr. Playbill

6th Place, Geldings@Halter, 3yr and over (shown by Ryder Hottinger) (class of 15)

1st Place, Youth Showmanship@Halter

(youth classes not included in reported results, will post if we can find them)


TEAM, Jester & Nick

4th Place, Pole Bending

4th Place, Team Pleasure Driving