2015 Show Results
**Chloe awarded NMDA Jennet of the Year**
After attending only 3 shows in 2014 we jumped back in in full force attending 13 shows and competing in 11 of those! Whew…what a year! Chloe was back with us after taking a year off…and the year off served her well. 2015 resulted in her best season ever. She competed in 10 shows and was named High Point or Reserve in 7 of those. She placed 1st in halter class in 50% of the shows she entered and was named Champion Jennet or Reserve Champion Jennet in 4 shows. And to top it off she achieved an NMDA Best of Breed title and was awarded 2015 NMDA High Point Jennet of the Year! Other outstanding accomplishments for the year include Excellence in Halter, Excellence in Performance – In-Hand and Excellence in Performance – Driving awards from the American Donkey Association. Ms. Chloe showed her heart out in 2015 and we are very proud of her.
Our season started with a trip to Kansas for Kansas Donkey Days. Phil was showing solo…he and Chloe did a fine job in spite of handling the show responsibilities without help. Chloe needed this show to get back in the game, as she was a little rusty from having so much leisure time. Kansas is always fun and this one was no exception. It was Bella’s first show and we were excited to get her in the ring. Bella, Daisy and Chloe made the trip. One of the fav pics of all time is from this show…Phil and Chloe in the cones class. Such a handsome pair.
Next it was on to The Shoot-Out. This is always a top notch show. Our hats are off to SDMS for all the time and effort that is put into this show every year. They do not scrimp on anything! The show turnout was a little slim as there was a conflict with the NMDA National Show that was being held in California this year. It was a fabulous show, nonetheless, and loads of fun as always. Sunni was added to the team for this show. Phil and Chloe were solo-ing it again but did a great job…achieving Reserve High Point Champion! Bella took 1st and Sunni, 2nd in their halter classes. Here are a few highlights…
It was time for the annual Shelbyville trek but this year was an especially long week as the first ever Music City Show was being held in the same town during the same week. Two shows (and only one travel expense!) in one week. Whew! It made for a long time away from home but it was certainly a lot of fun and we enjoyed the week immensely. Nick joined us for the first time this season. Plans were for Phil to continue showing Chloe and for Lori to start showing Nick. By the time the week was underway and several classes were underfoot, we weren’t sure who was going to show who in what! “You do it…no you do it”. Chloe was again awarded Reserve High Point Champion at The Great Celebration. It was close and we were a little surprised but so happy with her performance. We had brought Jester along for Jaden (grandson of Brian & Paula of Donkey Ridge Farm) to show. He and Jester fast became buds (and we think Paula really liked him too). We failed to get pics from the Music City Show but here is a few from The Great Celebration:
proud of the Nickster, (Cedar Creek’s Nicklesby, look at him go…)
We loaded up both grandkids, the son-in-law, Jester, Playbill, Little Man, Sunni and Bella and headed to Springfield for the Ozark Empire Fair. This was our last show with Jester. It wasn’t long after we returned home from TN that Paula approached us about letting Jester relocate to their farm. We reluctantly agreed that they were, in fact, a great match. We hadn’t planned on letting him go but it seemed “meant to be”. We had enjoyed watching Paula having fun with a performance donkey and we knew that Jester would get the show exposure he deserved and be spoiled rotten at the same time. We wanted to show him, however, one last time before he left. We entered him at Springfield. We set out with determination to show him to his potential. We actually practiced (a lot) before this show ? . We wondered if we could win high point one time with Jester. He had done it many times before we owned him… but were WE capable? It was our goal. It turned out to be a great show for him. He was awarded Champion Halter Donkey! But because of a “box” not being checked on the entry form he was not considered for high point by the show. We were devastated. We had worked so hard…and Jester had done an amazing job at the show… and not being awarded high point because of a ‘technicality’ on the entry form was a hard pill to swallow. Guess it was one of those “let the chips fall where they may” lessons. Jester went on to his new home in 2015 and he and Paula won High Point Champion at their first show together! Even though he will be missed, we know he is at a great home and will be forever cherished.
Our favorite photographer, Pearl of Pearl’s Pics, was there and once again we spent too much on photos, but since we bought ’em you might as well see ’em… We love the shots she got of Addison (her first show) showing Belladonna, Jester and Playbill. Adorable kid, adorable donkeys…
Ryder showed his donkey, Mr. Playbill, for most of the show but decided since Jester was the better trail donkey he could trade with Addison for that class. He and Playbill always make the cutest pictures…
And finally, here’s the adults showing Jester for the very last time…
The kids are always a hit at this show and they have such a great time together…
We enjoy hanging out with friends and loved this pic where we all seemed a bit too serious about something over there…
Next was the Texas State Championship show. And what a performance by Ms. Chloe! She was back in the swing of things by now. Her first High Point for the season as well as Champion Jennet AND Best of Breed. What a great show this was. And to think we almost skipped this one… Ryder was able to go with us but it was too late to get his donkey entered so Ms. Chloe did double duty and joined Ryder in sub-youth classes. They did a fine job. Sunni competed in pre-green classes for the first time and we were very proud of her. She was awarded Reserve High Point Pre-Green. Bella placed 1st in her class. Here’s Chloe posing with her 3 belt buckles and Best of Breed ribbon when we got home. We were able to snap one of Sunni at the show.
the newspaper shot this adorable picture of the kids that competed…
and here’s a few more of some of the kids in all their cuteness…
here’s a fun little pic of Ryder and Chloe (and no, that was not his show attire)…
and Ryder took this one of Papaw and Grammy with the phone:
Kansas State Fair was up next. This is one that we always enjoy. It is a little more laid back and relaxing than some and this year was no different. Great camaraderie between exhibitors and just an enjoyable time…as always. Chloe was awarded High Point Champion at this show, by the skin of her teeth. She seems to like Kansas as she always seems to do well at this show. This was Bennie’s only show of the season. He and Chloe were the only two that made the trip to Kansas. Here’s one of their/our finer moments at the show…
It was time for the Tennessee State Fair…one that we always enjoy. It’s usually a little different mix of exhibitors there and we really enjoy the Tennessee folks. It is a one-day quick and laid back show that is a lot of fun. And this year was just as much fun as always. Chloe was awarded High Point Champion (tying with a great donkey owned by Dayle Haworth of Chapel Hill, TN and being shown by Katie Randall in both youth and adult classes).
And we were off to Dallas for The State Fair of Texas. We were getting a little tired by now but Chloe was still going strong. She achieved Reserve High Point Champion for the show and we were so proud of her endurance (we were questioning ours, however, by this point). Sunni had a fantastic showing as well, being awarded her first High Point Pre-Green! Thanks to Wayne Schuetz of Continental Farm for taking this picture of Lori and Chloe in pleasure driving.
Our next show was the Silver Spur Classic in Locust Grove, OK. Chloe was in heat and was a little terror. My oh my how those hormones can effect people…I mean donkeys. Her performance class results were nothing to write home about, however her halter classes made us proud. Chloe and traveling buddy Sunni took top spots in their jennet halter classes. Sunni was named Champion Jennet and Chloe was Reserve Champion. Can’t beat that with a stick and it made the trip worth every minute. No photos at the show so Sunni did a little posing at home.
Our last show of the season was the North Carolina State Fair. We decided to head east at the last minute. Chloe was so close in points to her competition for Jennet of the Year we decided to give it our best shot and see what she could do. It was our anniversary and we decided what better way to spend an anniversary than attend ANOTHER donkey show! Yep, you heard that right. It was a great trip. The leaves were in full color and the trip over the Appalachians was beyond gorgeous. We met new friends where we over-nighted in Knoxville, TN. We stayed at a horse training facility and they were amazed by (and of course, loved) the miniature donkeys. What a fun trip this turned out to be. We met another exhibitor who’s mother helped us in Showmanship. That’s right, she grabbed a jacket and our donkey Sunni and headed right in the ring with us (and Chloe and Mr. Playbill). What fun. The exhibitor was a vet from Australia that was visiting her folks in the state. She had planned her visit around this show so that she could show her donkey while she was in the states for some CE. You never know who you’ll meet or what interesting situations you will get into at a donkey show. We will always remember this one as one of the best times. Sunni was again named Champion Jennet and Chloe, Reserve Champion and also High Point for the show. Mr. Playbill was named Champion Gelding. Way to go Playbill.
One of the highlights is that Playbill WON coon jumping! Beating Chloe and a 35″ stout red gelding that had the potential to ‘eat his lunch’. Playbill also beat Chloe in snigging and showmanship…haha…the little show out.
Here’s our girls…
Our 2015 Show String
Brayberry’s Asstilbe (Bennie)
Brayberry’s Santini Sunflower
Brayberry’s Daisy Duke
Brayberry’s Belladonna
Schmitt’s Chloe
Cedar Creek’s Nicklesby
Magnolia’s Royal Court Jester
Magnolia’s Little Man of Royalty
Itsy Bitsy Burro Co Mr. Playbill
Kansas Donkey Days, Hutchinson, KS
Brayberry’s Belladonna
2nd Place, Foals@Halter
Brayberry’s Daisy Duke
5th Place, Yearling Jennets@Halter
Schmitt’s Chloe
2nd Place, Pleasure Driving
3rd Place, In Hand Trail
4th Place, 5+Jennets@Halter
5th Place, Obstacle Driving
Texas Shoot-Out, Bryan, TX
Brayberry’s Belladonna
1st Place, Foals@Halter
Brayberry’s Santini Sunflower
2nd Place, 2yo Jennets@Halter
Schmitt’s Chloe
1st Place, Snigging
1st Place, In Hand Jumping
2nd Place, Showmanship@Halter
2nd Place, In Hand Trail
2nd Place, Cones Course
2nd Place, Pole Bending
3rd Place, Pleasure Driving
3rd Place, Reinsmanship
3rd Place, Obstacle Driving
Music City Show, Shelbyville, TN
Brayberry’s Belladonna
3rd Place, All Foals@Halter
3rd Place, ACOSA Jennets (all ages)
Brayberry’s Santini Sunflower
1st Place, Showmanship@Halter, Pre-Green
4th Place, Yearling Jennets@Halter
Cedar Creek’s Nicklesby
2nd Place, Obstacle Driving
3rd Place, Showmanship@Halter
3rd Place, Pleasure Driving
4th Place, 5+Geldings@Halter
4th Place, In Hand Trail
5th Place, Scramble
Schmitt’s Chloe
2nd Place, In Hand Jumping
3rd Place, 5+Jennets@Halter
3rd Place, In Hand Trail
4th Place, Coon Jumping
4th Place, Scramble
4th Place, Pleasure Driving
5th Place, Pole Bending
Magnolia’s Royal Court Jester (shown by Jaden Yelton) [*no youth classes, Jaden was showing with the adults*]
3rd Place, Snigging
5th Place, 5+Geldings
The Great Celebration, Shelbyville, TN
Brayberry’s Belladonna
1st Place, ACOSA 2yr&under Jennets
6th Place, All Foals@Halter (all ages)
Brayberry’s Santini Sunflower
5th Place, Yearling Jennets@Halter
Schmitt’s Chloe
Reserve High Point Champion
1st Place, Single Stake Race Driving
1st Place, Snigging
2nd Place, Pleasure Driving
2nd Place, Obstacle Driving
2nd Place, Scramble
3rd Place, Showmanship@Halter
3rd Place, Lead Race
5th Place, In Hand Trail
6th Place, Reinsmanship
6th Place, 5+Jennets@Halter
6th Place, Pole Bending
6th Place, In Hand Jumping
6th Place, Coon Jumping
Cedar Creek Nicklesby
2nd Place, In Hand Trail
3rd Place, Reinsmanship
3rd Place, In Hand Jumping
4th Place, Pleasure Driving
4th Place, Obstacle Driving
4th Place, Coon Jumping
5th Place, Single Stake Race Driving
Magnolia’s Royal Court Jester [shown in youth classes by Jaden Yelton]
3rd Place, Geldings, Geldings@Halter, 5yr and over
3rd Place, Youth Reinsmanship
3rd Place, Youth In Hand Trail
3rd Place, Youth In Hand Jumping
3rd Place, Youth Coon Jumping
4th Place, Youth Showmanship
4th Place, Youth Lead Race
4th Place, Youth Pleasure Driving
Texas State Championship Show, Buffalo, TX
Brayberry’s Belladonna
1st Place, All Foals@Halter
Brayberry’s Santini Sunflower
Reserve High Point Champion, Pre-Green
1st Place, Hurry Scurry, Pre-Green
2nd Place, 2yo Jennets@Halter
2nd Place, Showmanship@Halter, Pre-Green
2nd Place, Single Stake Lead Race, Pre-Green
3rd Place, Scramble, Pre-Green
4th Place, In Hand Trail, Pre-Green
Schmitt’s Chloe
Best of Breed
Champion Jennet
High Point Champion
1st Place, 5+Jennets@Halter
1st Place, Obstacle Driving
1st Place, Gambler’s Choice
1st Place, Single Stake Lead Race
1st Place, Scramble
1st Place, Big T
2nd Place, Pleasure Driving
2nd Place, Reinsmanship
2nd Place, Barrels
2nd Place, Single Stake Race Driving
2nd Place, Pole Bending
3rd Place, In Hand Jumping
4th Place, In Hand Trail
3rd Place, Sub-Youth Showmanship@Halter [shown by Ryder Hottinger]
3rd Place, Sub-Youth Single Stake Lead Race
3rd Place, Sub-Youth In Hand Trail
3rd Place, Sub-Youth Barrels
Ozark Empire Fair, Springfield, MO
Brayberry’s Belladonna
2nd Place, All Foals@Halter
6th Place, Color Class (class of 20)
Magnolia’s Little Man of Royalty
4th Place, 3 yr+ Geldings@Halter (class of 15)
Magnolia’s Royal Court Jester
Grand Champion
Champion Gelding
1st Place, 3 yr+ Geldings@Halter
1st Place, Showmanship@Halter
1st Place, Obstacle Driving
1st Place, Lead Line Race
2nd Place, Pleasure Driving
3rd Place, Trail
4th Place, Snigging
5th Place, In Hand Jumping
5th Place, Barrel Racing
2nd Place, Youth Coon Jumping [shown by Addison Jackson]
3rd Place, Youth In Hand Jumping
4th Place, Youth In Hand Trail
4th Place, Youth Lead Line Race
Itsy Bitsy Burro Co. Mr. Playbill
1st Place, Youth Showmanship [shown by Ryder Hottinger]
1st Place, Youth In Hand Trail
1st Place, Youth Obstacle Driving
2nd Place, Youth In Hand Jumping
2nd Place, Youth Lead Line Race
3rd Place, Youth Coon Jumping
3rd Place, Youth Barrel Racing
3rd Place, Youth Pole Bending
3rd Place, Youth Pleasure Driving
Kansas State Fair, Hutchinson, KS
Schmitt’s Chloe
Champion Jennet
High Point Champion
1st Place, 5yr+Jennets@Halter
1st Place, Trail
1st Place, Obstacle Driving
2nd Place, Pleasure Driving
2nd Place, Scramble
3rd Place, Hurry Scurry
4th Place, Costume Class
Brayberry’s Asstilbe (Bennie)
3rd Place, Obstacle Driving
4th Place, Coon Jumping
5th Place, Scramble
5th Place, Gambler’s Choice
5th Place, Costume Class
Tennessee State Fair, Nashville, TN
Brayberry’s Belladonna
3rd Place, Foal/Yearling Jennets@Halter
3rd Place, Spotted Color Class
Schmitt’s Chloe
High Point Champion
1st Place, Trail
1st Place, Pleasure Driving
1st Place, Single Stake Driving
3rd Place, Obstacle Driving
4th Place, 2yr+Jennets@Halter
4th Place, In Hand Jumping
5th Place, Solid Color Class
IBBC Mr. Playbill
3rd Place, In Hand Jumping
4th Place, Pleasure Driving
4th Place, Snigging
5th Place, Single Stake Driving
State Fair of Texas, Dallas, TX
Brayberry’s Santini Sunflower
Reserve Champion Jennet
High Point Champion, Pre-Green
1st Place, Showmanship@Halter, Pre-Green
2nd Place, 2yr & under Jennets@Halter
2nd Place, Leadline Race, Pre-Green
4th Place, In Hand Trail, Pre-Green
Schmitt’s Chloe
Reserve High Point Champion
1st Place, 3yr+ Jennets@Halter
1st Place, In Hand Trail
2nd Place, Showmanship@Halter
2nd Place, Leadline Race
3rd Place, Snigging
4th Place, Pleasure Driving
4th Place, Pole Bending
4th Place, Barrel Racing
4th Place, Big T
5th Place, Obstacle Driving
Silver Spur Classic, Locust Grove, OK
Brayberry’s Santini Sunflower
Champion Jennet
1st Place, 2yr&under Jennets@Halter
3rd Place, Showmanship@Halter, Green
3rd Place, Trail, Green
Schmitt’s Chloe
Reserve Champion Jennet
1st Place, 3yr+Jennets@Halter
1st Place, Showmanship@Halter
2nd Place, Single Stake Race Driving
2nd Place, Obstacle Driving
3rd Place, Pleasure Driving
3rd Place, Pole Bending
3rd Place, Keyhole
4th Place, Big T
4th Place, Barrel Racing
5th Place, Reinsmanship
5th Place, Trail
6th Place, In Hand Jumping
6th Place, Scramble
6th Place, Hurry Scurry
North Carolina State Fair
Brayberry’s Santini Sunflower
Champion Jennet
1st Place, 2 yr+ Jennets@Halter
3rd Place, Showmanship@Halter
3rd Place, Trail
3rd Place, Leadline Race
IBBC Mr. Playbill
Champion Gelding
1st Place, 2yr+ Geldings@Halter
1st Place, Showmanship@Halter
1st Place, Coon Jumping
1st Place, Snigging
2nd Place, Pleasure Driving
2nd Place, Obstacle Driving
2nd Place, Reinsmanship
2nd Place, Barrel Racing
2nd Place, Pole Bending
3rd Place, Trail
4th Place, Leadline Race
Schmitt’s Chloe
Reserve Champion Jennet
1st Place, Pleasure Driving
1st Place, Reinsmanship
1st Place, Obstacle Driving
1st Place, Trail
1st Place, In Hand Jumping
1st Place, Leadline Race
1st Place, Barrel Racing
1st Place, Pole Bending
2nd Place, 2 yr+ Jennets@Halter
2nd Place, Showmanship@Halter
2nd Place, Coon Jumping
2nd Place, Snigging
A huge congratulations to the following:
Brayberry’s Meet the Quince
NMDA Reserve National Champion Gelding
NMDA National Champion, Non-Driving
2015 NMDA Nationals, Red Bluff, CA
owned and shown by Peggy O’Glee, Notoriass Farm
Brayberry’s Sleight of Hand
NMDA Reserve Champion Jack
2015 Silver Spur Classic, Locust Grove, OK
shown by LaDonna Mangile, Dinky Donkeys