2017 Show Season


2017 Show Results


Sunni had been hanging out with her trainer, Bobbie Ferraro, for a few months learning to drive.  Bobbie had planned to take her own donkey, Scout, to the Ft. Worth show and so she brought Sunni along.  We had never shown at this show as we do not clip in the winter…Bobbie promised to not clip Sunni and we promised to meet her there.  Showing an un-clipped donkey was a first for us (and oh so much easier 🙂 ).  Bobbie had kept her blanketed for weeks and she actually looked pretty good, if we do say so ourselves.

This was Sunni’s first show to drive and we were excited to see what she had learned.  Shanna Cruse showed her in the driving classes and what a great team they made… placing first in every class. It was a great show.  Sunni was awarded Champion Jennet and Green High Point Champion.  Here a few shots of Sunni’s first show competing in the Green division:


LHP_6014 LHP_6031 LHP_6032

LHP_6134  LHP_6140

LHP_6169 LHP_6170



Next up was the Kansas show.  We took both Sunni and Bella to Kansas Donkey Days. Bella had not bonded with anyone in her paddock back at home but once she paired with Sunni in the trailer…guess what. She was a pill when Sunni was in the ring and had the loudest bray of any donkey there (especially to be such a little squirt).

We had not planned to go to this show as we had an orphan foal that was being bottle fed at home.  Circumstances allowed us at the last minute to take the road trip and we were allowed to enter late so off we went.  Bella had only been shown in halter but since she was going anyway we decided to stick her in pre-green classes (we decided this before we practiced with her to see what she might or might not do).  Two weeks and three practice sessions before the show…this could be a fiasco.  We had told the show chairman that we would probably scratch her.  Well, she performed like a dream (at least at this show!).  She came home with a belt buckle, winning High Point Champion Pre-Green…the little stink.  We are betting that the next show will be the one where she dances around in Showmanship and wonders what side-passing means.  Anyway, we were thrilled and very proud of her.

Ryder was able to make the trip with us and he and Sunni were adorable in costume class.  Well, actually, everyone was adorable in costume class at this show.  It was the best costume class we had ever seen.  Ryder also came home with a belt buckle placing second in the Sub-Youth division.

Here are a few pics from the show…





 The Shoot-Out changed name and location and we were off to Hamilton, TX for the SDMS ClASSic.  It was held at Circle T Arena which was really nice! The lodge was right on the grounds as well as a pool and restaurant.  Everything was so handy and the show ran smoothly.  It will probably be remembered as our favorite show of the season.  Sunni was awarded High Point Champion Green and Bella was awarded Champion ACOSA Jennet. Here are some highlights…


July was here and time for the weeklong marathon of showing in Shelbyville.  There are two shows during this week so the donkeys get a real workout.  Shelbyville is always hard for us to get to it seems and this year was no different. We woke up to a flooded house! An upstairs plumbing issue had resulted in water in the ductwork leaking down, via the ceiling, to the ground floor.  The office and living area were soaked.  We decided not to go to the show. Our parents were staying with us and encouraged us to go on.  Dad fixed the leak and they agreed to meet with the insurance adjuster….so we were off. (Note: if you haven’t read our previous Shelbyville trial, look up our article “How Many Trucks Does It Take To Get To Shelbyville“, you’ll agree we should probably stop going to this town).  Anyway, we washed and loaded Bella and Sunni and were on our way.  The Music City Show is held at Clearview Horse Farm and is always an enjoyable show. Bella was awarded Reserve Pre-Green, she continues to amaze us with her performance classes. We had a great time as always at this show.  We packed up and headed over to The Celebration grounds. We had one day of rest and then…The NMDA National Show!  Our friends Billy and Cindy (from Nashville) came to watch one day and we were able to take them out to a nice dinner at Legends.  You gotta go to Legends at least once (we went twice) when you are in Shelbyville. Another fun show and we were proud of our donkeys.  Sunni achieved Reserve High Point Green. There were no Pre-Green classes for Bella so she entered lead race with the green donkeys, she placed 😉   Here are a few shots of the shows…

Music City

The Celebration



Next up was the Ozark Empire Fair show in Springfield, MO.  The weather was amazing for August which made for a much more pleasant showing experience than in times past at this show. This year was the first year for this show to be NMDA sanctioned and there were ‘tons’ of donkeys entered.  Over 60 in halter we were told…the pleasure driving class had to be split into 2 rounds. There were 20 entries in that class.  It was an enjoyable show. Bella had her best show to date placing 1st in halter in a huge class of 14 entries.  She went on to win Champion ACOSA Jennet and Reserve Champion ACOSA overall. There was only one Pre-Green class, Trail, and she placed 2nd in that class.  Sunni’s starring moment was a 3rd place win in coon jumping.  We haven’t had a good jumper since Bennie left, lol.  She also placed 2nd in that huge pleasure driving class!  Here are some notable moments from the show…


We headed north to Ozark Mule Days over Labor Day weekend.  It was the longest show days we’ve ever experienced.  On both Friday and Saturday night the show went on past midnight. The highlight is Nick placing 3rd in pole bending…this class was in combination with the large animals.  Can you believe the 2nd and 3rd place winners were miniatures?  We will post a few pics from this show a bit later. 

The So Logan County Fair invited miniature donkeys for the first time this year.  We loaded up and headed that way.  Savannah Mallett had come to take lessons and decided to show Nick at this show.  They were quite a team and a crowd favorite. We think think this little gal is a natural.  Here are some pics of her and Nick, aren’t they the cutest…


oh and Phil, Sunni and Bella were there too…



Our 2017 Show String

Brayberry’s Santini Sunflower

Brayberry’s Belladonna

Cedar Creek’s Nickelsby



Ft. Worth Stock Show & Rodeo, Ft. Worth, TX

Brayberry’s Santini Sunflower

Champion Jennet

High Point Champion, Green

1st Place, 3&4 yo Jennets@Halter

1st Place, Pleasure Driving

1st Place, Barrels

1st Place, Obstacle Driving

2nd Place, In-Hand Jumping

3rd Place, In-Hand Trail

Kansas Donkey Days, Reading, KS

Brayberry’s Belladonna

High Point Champion, Pre-Green

2nd Place, ACOSA Jennets

5th Place, 2yo Jennets@Halter

1st Place, Showmanship@Halter

1st Place, Lead Line Race

1st Place, Scramble

2nd Place, In-Hand Trail

2nd Place, In-Hand Jumping

Brayberry’s Santini Sunflower

5th Place, 3yo Jennets@Halter

1st Place, In-Hand Jumping

1st Place, Scramble

3rd Place, In-Hand Trail

2nd Place, Obstacle Driving

5th Place, Single Stake

6th Place, Pleasure Driving

Southwestern Donkey & Mule ClASSic, Hamilton, TX

Brayberry’s Santini Sunflower

High Point Champion, Green

1st Place, 3&4yo Jennets@Halter

1st Place, Pleasure Driving

1st Place, Reinsmanship

1st Place, Obstacle Driving

1st Place, Showmanship@Halter

1st Place, In-Hand Trail

1st Place, Scramble

2nd Place, Cones

3rd Place, Pole Bending

3rd Place, In-Hand Jumping

Brayberry’s Belladonna

Champion ACOSA Jennet

1st Place, ACOSA Jennets

2nd Place, 3-4yo Jennets@Halter

2nd Place, Showmanship@Halter

2nd Place, In-Hand Jumping

3rd Place, Scramble

Music City Show, Shelbyville, TN

Brayberry’s Santini Sunflower

4th Place, 3&4yo Jennets@Halter

1st Place, Solid Color Class

3rd Place, In-Hand Trail

2nd Place, Hurry Scurry

1st Place, Scramble

3rd Place, Obstacle Driving

3rd Place, Pleasure Driving

Brayberry’s Belladonna

Reserve High Point Champion, Pre-Green

2nd Place, ACOSA Jennets

3rd Place, 2yo Jennets@Halter

4th Place, In-Hand Trail

1st Place, Hurry Scurry

3rd Place, Scramble

The Great Celebration, Shelbyville, TN **NMDA National Show**

Brayberry’s Santini Sunflower

Reserve NMDA National High Point Champion, Green

3rd Place, 3&4yo Jennets@Halter

1st Place, Pleasure Driving

1st Place, Obstacle Driving

1st Place, Lead Race

2nd Place, Scramble

3rd Place, Trail

4th Place, Single Stake

4th Place, Reinsmanship

4th Place, In-Hand Jumping

6th Place, Pole Bending

Brayberry’s Belladonna

2nd Place, ACOSA Jennets

3rd Place, 2yo Jennets@Halter

5th Place, Lead Race (Green Division)

Ozark Empire Fair, Springfield, MO

Brayberry’s Belladonna

Champion ACOSA Jennet

1st Place, ACOSA Jennets

1st Place, 2yo and under Jennets@Halter (class of 14)

2nd Place, In-Hand Trail

Brayberry’s Santini Sunflower

5th Place, 3&4yo Jennets@Halter (class of 13)

4th Place, Solid Color Class (class of 14)

2nd Place, Pleasure Driving

3rd Place, Coon Jumping

4th Place, In-Hand Trail

4th Place, In-Hand Jumping





