
Liar’s Lake Blazing Light

lightning1 lightning2 lightning3

Lightning has a super personality and is such a cute little guy. He prances around like he’s in the show ring. He loves to talk to us and doesn’t mind at all to let us know if breakfast is late. He makes everyone laugh! He’s really easy going and can be pastured with jennets. He produces dark carrier foals when bred to dark jennets. He is so social and great with people we are considering gelding him. We would like to be able to use him more for entertainment….but only after a few more foals.

UPDATE:  Lightning has been gelded and is now trained to drive.  He just loves to travel and we look forward to having him with us at events.  He’s such the socialite!

PEDIGREE: unknown

ATTITUDE: the best, very gentle and loves attention

OFFSPRING: we are unable to obtain information on past offspring however his 2009 foal, Gini, is a precious little gal.  His latest, Jack-in-the-Pulpit, is a fine little guy.  One more on the way…we look forward to this one in Spring 2011.

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