Our Geldings

Cedar Creek’s Nicklesby ‘Nick’


Click photo or name above for more pictures/information and to see Nick’s page

Nick came to Brayberry in 2014, unexpectedly.  While in south Texas on a visit checking out a herdsire, it came up in conversation that he might be available.  Of course we jumped on that!  Every Cedar Creek donkey we had ever seen was a performance dream.  We were told that Nick had been trained as a child’s show donkey but was not currently being used…what could be better?  We were very excited for him to join the ranks and have been so pleased with him.  He is quite a character and entertainer!  He has a few tricks up his sleeve…you may find him sitting around on his bean bag, retrieving a frisbey or playing ball. You never know what Nick’s going to be up to.  As far as in the show ring, well he was no slouch.  We took him to Springfield shortly after he had arrived. We had only had time to harness him once (the night before the show), so we weren’t sure what to expect.  But, my oh my, what a performance! 1st in Showmanship, 1st in Obstacle Driving, 2nd in Halter, 2nd in Trail, 2nd in Pleasure Driving in a huge class of 20 entries (that’s a lot of driving donkeys) and in the ribbons in several other classes!  We think he’s a keeper!  We have come to love Nick.

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Itsy Bitsy Burro Co. Mr. Playbill


Click photo or name above for more pictures/information and to see Playbill’s page

Itsy Bitsy Mr. Playbill had also come to live at Brayberry’s as Ryder’s new show donkey.  We had told the Henderson’s of H3 Miniatures that if they ever decided to part with him to contact us….well the time had come.  Mandy had purchased a new show donkey and we were so excited to finally be able to bring Playbill here.  He was perfect for Ryder and they bonded immediately.  See the full story of how Mr. Playbill came to be at Brayberry as Ryder’s show donkey here.  We are very happy to have this prodigy of our former herdsire, Circle C Main Event.  The disposition of this line is phenomenal.  Very affectionate, loveable and trainable.  Playbill is the perfect child’s donkey!


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Solomon’s Seal ‘Solomon’  & Mockingbird’s Zoot Suit Riot ‘Zoot’

Solomon is our standard donkey.  He was found living among a group of stallions who were unkind and refused to share dinner.  We felt sorry for the poor guy and offered $ to be able to bring him to a safe place. He was thin and ‘mangy’ looking, our hearts hurt for him.  He had suffered the ‘sale barn circuit’ previous to where we found him and at some point in his life someone had cut 1/2 his ear off!  He was brought home, put in quarantine, vaccinated, wormed and rehabilitated.  He is a mere shadow of his former self.   He now lives among the mini geldings and is a big ole teddy bear.  He loves on folks and is happy to be saddled to give rides during school field trips and other events at the farm.  Lots of love, finally, for this big old guy…and as you can see by his picture, he seems to really like it here 😉

Zoot is our “laid back” driver and our oldest donkey.  He is known to conserve energy and likes to go everywhere in his own time.  A great safe donkey for young and old alike.  He was the one that started it all.  Being completely safe, we felt at ease while we learned the ropes…

When we came across him, his hooves were twisted from a preious founder, his registration papers/identity lost and signs of neglect were apparent.  But despite his hardships he was and is a wonderful and trustworthy old guy.  It was Zoot that gave us the confidence to learn to drive.  He was so patient as we learned to harness and steady as he taught us the ropes.  We always felt safe as we trusted him completely.  He has given many rides…saddled up during school field trips.  Never once did he give cause for concern around any age child.  Everyone has always loved old Zoot.  We are privileged to have found Zoot and we are honored to give him a forever home.


Zoot Suit Riot “Zoot”


Brayberry’s Opening Night ‘Opey’ & Brayberry’s Grand Finale ‘Fin’

These two cute little guys are offered for sale, together.  They are best friends (they won’t even eat from separate bowls!).  Click on their name or picture to go to their page where you will find baby pictures and more information about them.





Reference Geldings


Brayberry’s Asstilbe ‘Bennie’


Asstilbe served as our ivory herdsire until being gelded in 2012. We were so happy with the foals he produced we retained three of them. Since his dam was still part of our breeding program and we had kept some of his daughters we were no longer able to use him as herdsire. He now serves one of our performance geldings and joined our show string in 2013. He competed in the NMDA Nationals in July of 2013 (his second show). Even though this was only the second time he had seen a show ring he was in the ribbons in coon jumping (2nd place), in-hand jumping and reinsmanship! We are very proud of Bennie.

Click photos for more pictures/information and to see Bennie’s page

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Magnolia’s Royal Court Jester

(click on Jester‘s name or pictures to see show photos and more information)

Jester was an amazing all around, performance AND halter champion.  We are very honored to have owned such a fine show donkey.  He will be missed but is at a show home that will give him the show exposure that he deserves.

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Liar’s Lake Blazing Light


Lightning was one of the first 3 donkeys to come to Brayberry.  He came as a jack but was soon gelded and trained to cart by Lee Thomas.  He traveled back and forth between here and Missouri, spending summers entertaining grandkids and visitors at the Thomas’ place.  He was a favorite of Sandy’s and since their place had become his second home, it was decided that he would live there permanently in 2015.  So off he went to the Thomas’ to drive Ms. Sandy.


Magnolia’s Little Man of Royalty


Little Man has been hanging around for a little over a year now.  He is a stout, spunky little fellow that is spoiled rotten.  He has recently been trained to drive.  Click on his name or picture to see his page for more information and a video of his first drive after returning home.  We may offer him for sale, so if you are looking for a spoiled brat little driver don’t hesitate to contact us to see what we have decided.


Lil Angels Colonel Travis & KKR Rowstabout

Travis and Rowster were our first driving donkeys.  Actually Travis was the first donkey purchased at Brayberry.  We have many times over the years wished we had never let Travis go, he was one in a million.  Rowster was one of the firsts as well.  He was a gorgeous guy but had way too much ‘get-up-and-go’ for us at the time…we were just too green to handle this much donkey 🙂 More information about these two can be found on their pages.

(click on their pictures or name to open their page for more pics and to learn more about them)

Lil Angels Colonel Travis

KKR Rowstabout

A word about geldings: It is our belief that less than 10% of the male foals probably meet the standards for the breed to be an outstanding, quality herdsire. Those other 90% should be gelded. Please, if your jack foal does not have outstanding conformation and temperament, consider having him gelded. JACKS SHOULD NEVER BE PETS. They are intact breeding animals, and at some moment in their life will think with their hormones and not with their brains. If you are a first-time owner, do your homework and please be informed before letting someone sell you an ungelded male. They can be too rough on other animals, and young children, no matter how experienced should never be alone around intact jacks. Geldings make excellent pets and pleasure animals… are wonderful with kids and generally would be the best choice as a pet… you’ll be glad you did

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