
Magnolia’s Royal Court Jester


We first saw Jester at Shelbyville many years ago.  We were very impressed by this handsome guy and never in a million years did we imagine that we would some day own a donkey of this caliber!  What a presence he had…and he seemed to win most everything he competed in.  Fast forward several years…we received contact from Susan at Magnolia Farm in 2014 and brought Jester home to Brayberry.  As we imagined, he was a dream.  He was the perfect all around halter and performance donkey for adults and children alike.  Jester was only at Brayberry for a year before moving on to another show home… but what a great year that was.  We were able to show him in Shelbyville and both of our grandchildren (Ryder 7 and Addison 3) got the chance to show him as well.

We took Jester to the 1st Music City show and to Shelbyville in 2015 for our friends (Brian and Paula) grandson to show.  The donkey that they had planned for him to show was unable to make the trip due to an eye infection.  We had planned to show Chloe and Nick at these shows so Jester was available.  At the “last minute” he was loaded into the trailer and joined the team.  Well Jaden loved him!  And Paula loved him!  It wasn’t long after we returned home from TN that Paula approached us about letting Jester relocate to their farm.  We reluctantly agreed that they were, in fact, a great match.  We hadn’t planned on letting him go but it seemed “meant to be”.  We wanted to show him, however, one last time before he left.  We entered him at Springfield.  We set out with determination to show him to his potential.  We actually practiced (a lot) before this show  😀 .  We wondered if we could win high point one time with Jester.  He had done it many times before we owned him… but were WE capable?  It was our goal. It turned out to be a great show for him.  He was awarded Champion Halter Donkey!  But because of a “box” not being checked on the entry form he was not considered for high point by the show.  We were devastated.  We had worked so hard…and Jester had done an amazing job at the show… and not being awarded high point because of a ‘technical’ error on the entry form was a hard pill to swallow. Guess it was one of those “let the chips fall where they may” lessons.   Jester went on to his new home in 2015 and he and Paula won High Point Champion at their first show together!  Even though he will be missed, we know he is at a great home and will get the show exposure that he deserves.

Jester has won numerous awards in his show career, too many to list.  To see his placings during the short time he was at Brayberry, see the individual show season links (2014 and 2015) from the home page.

Here are some pics from 2014:

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And some 2015 pics…  He was a dream with Addison (age 3):

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