Little Man

Magnolia’s Little Man of Royalty


Little Man arrived to Brayberry in 2014.  He is 1/2 brother to one of our previous performance donkeys, Jester, so we knew the possibilities and personality of this line.  He is a cute little stocky guy with a bit of spunk.  He was spoiled rotten when we brought him home with us from the 2014 Shelbyville show and remains so.

We didn’t have a purpose for him, necessarily, so he just hung around the farm for a year before being taken to Missouri for a little training by Lee Thomas.  We decided at the last minute that since we were taking him to be picked up by Lee at the Springfield show that we might as well clip and enter him in halter since he would be there anyway.  Did we say this was a last minute decision?  We had not worked with him and were just hoping that the show would allow us to enter him late when we got there.  They did and he did a superb job.  He took 4th in halter…not even knowing how to properly stand still for the judge!  Mighty proud of this little guy.

He took to the cart quickly and Lee reports that he loves the attention.  Does not even have to be “tied up” to be put to harness.  Here’s a video of his first drive after his arrival him back home.