
Cedar Creek Nicklesby

Cedar Creek Nickelsby, by the great Nicodemus (Merit of Breeding, VHOF, Supreme driving award and two time National Champion) and out of a Merit of Breeding jennet, Pollyhana. (photo courtesy of Cedar Creek Farm, Barb Grubb)

Nick was awarded the ADMS Versatility Hall of Fame Award (see article in July/Aug 2008 Brayer) and several High Point awards before coming to Brayberry.  He also has Champion and Reserve Champion halter gelding wins to his credit.  Nick is very versatile, with past wins in in hand trail, lead races, in hand jumping as well as pleasure driving, reinsmanship, obstacle driving, pole bending and stake races (shown by Barbara Grubb, Cedar Creek Farm.) His 1/2 sister, Cedar Creek’s April Love, is one of the top winning show jennets in the country having been named NMDA Year End High Point Jennet two years in a row. (She has earned her ADMS Versatility Hall of Fame Award, was 2004 ADMS National Champion Miniature Donkey and was also the first miniature jennet to obtain the ADMS Supreme Driving Award.)  This picture is of Nick at Cedar Creek with Barbara at the reins.


He came to Brayberry in 2014, unexpectedly.  While in south Texas on a visit checking out a herdsire, it came up in conversation that he might be available.  Of course we jumped on that!  Every Cedar Creek donkey we had ever seen was a performance dream.  We were told that Nick had been trained as a child’s show donkey but was not currently being used…what could be better?  We were very excited for him to join the ranks and have been so pleased with him.  He is quite a character and entertainer!  He has a few tricks up his sleeve…you may find him sitting around on his bean bag, retrieving a frisby or playing ball. You never know what Nick’s going to be up to.  We took him to the Springfield show shortly after he had arrived. We had only had time to harness him once (the night before the show), so we weren’t sure what to expect.  But, my oh my, what a performance! 1st in Showmanship, 1st in Obstacle Driving, 2nd in Halter, 2nd in Trail, 2nd in Pleasure Driving in a huge class of 20 entries (that’s a lot of driving donkeys) and in the ribbons in several other classes!  Nick is a fun little donkey to have around.  Here are a few pics of him since he’s relocated to Brayberry.


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                                                                Team: Nick and Jester

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(click on above photos for larger images)

PEDIGREE: both sire and dam are Merit of Breeding award recipients as well as VHOF and Supreme driving award being credited to his sire (the great Nicodemus)

ATTITUDE: Willing, outstanding, obedient…need we say more


shown by Barbara Grubb, Cedar Creek Farm

ADMS Versatility Hall of Fame Award

All American Mule and Donkey Congress, Jackson, OH,  April 2008

Champion Gelding@Halter

High Point Champion Green

The Great Celebration Mule and Donkey Show, Shelbyville, TN, July 2008

NMDA High Point Champion Green

All American Mule and Donkey Congress, Jackson, OH,  April 2007

NMDA High Point Champion Green

New Jersey State Fair, Sussex, NJ,  August 2006

1st Place Yearling Geldings and Jacks@Halter

Dixie Classic Fair, Winston-Salem, NC,  September 2006

1st Place Halter

North Carolina State Fair, Raleigh, NC,  October, 2006

1st Place Yearling Geldings@Halter


Nick returns to the show ring after 6 years off!  Here are some achievements since relocating to Brayberry:


Ozark Empire Fair, Springfield, MO,  July, 2014

2nd Place, Geldings@Halter, 3yr and over (class of 15)

1st Place, Showmanship@Halter

1st Place, Obstacle Driving

2nd Place, Pleasure Driving

2nd Place, Trail class

4th Place, In-Hand Jumping

5th Place, Barrel Race

6th Place, Snigging

Music City Show, Shelbyville, TN,  July, 2015

4th Place, Geldings@Halter, 5yr and over

2nd Place, Obstacle Driving

3rd Place, Pleasure Driving

3rd Place, Showmanship@Halter

4th Place, Trail

The Great Celebration Mule and Donkey Show, Shelbyville, TN,  July, 2015

2nd Place, In-Hand Trail

3rd Place, Reinsmanship

3rd Place, In-Hand Jumping

4th Place, Pleasure Driving

4th Place, Obstacle Driving

4th Place, Coon Jumping

5th Place, Barrels

6th Place, Single Stake Race


Coming soon!