
Stock Markets Holiday Cash



Holly is a small stocky, very correct black/brown jennet with excellent conformation, substance and is loaded with presence and style.  Great topline, absolutely perfect cute little head and very correct legs.  It’s no wonder…the multi Grand Champion, Stock Markets Cash Dividend (World and National titles) is her sire.

We are very proud to own this fine jennet and pass on the Cash Dividend line.  We look for some beautiful foals out of this showy well build jennet.

PEDIGREE: World and National Champion, Stock Market’s Cash Dividend on the top side and Country Music lines on the bottom.

ATTITUDE: we can’t lie…she’s a snob   😉 

OFFSPRING: Brayberry’s Holiday Magic arrived June 2018. A beautiful black jennet by Reserve National Champion MGF Houdini’s Magic Time.  Maggie, as she is known, is the last foal by Magic and will always hold a very special place in our heart. Super personality and unbelievably beautiful. She will never leave the farm.




(coming soon)