About Brayberry

About Brayberry

DSC01774-1Stress relief!…It’s what comes to mind when people ask why we chose to accumulate a small herd of miniature donkeys. Nothing like walking out to a pasture full of love after a long day’s work we tell them.

A simpler life!…That’s what we were striving for a couple of years ago when we made the move “to the country.” It has been a journey, a major lifestyle change, but a change that we love.

Like many, we had tossed around the idea of trading our city dwelling for greener pastures. Our lifestyle had become too busy, too stressful, too hectic and too corporate. We’d simplify our lives…breathe fresh air and live life fuller! We’d slow down and leave that hectic pace behind. And we did! The closest town (population 1300) is 10 minutes away without a Wal-Mart or Walgreens in sight.

DSC01791-1It’s not all been easy but we knew we’d always regret it if we didn’t give it a shot. So among the “You’re doing what?” and “Have you lost your mind?” comments we said good-bye to city life.

Even though we couldn’t tell the difference between a pitchfork and a hoe we learned early on how an early morning walk to the bluff soothed the soul and how incredible a home-grown watermelon tastes.

Our office is now filled with books on donkeys, how to compost, building barns and tending fruit trees. While we still don’t know much about organic production, we can tell you the protein requirements of a donkey vs. a horse.

And yet we’ve still got much to learn, but that’s OK. Things don’t happen quickly in the country, and it’s not likely we’re going anywhere.

DSC01108-1Simpler doesn’t always mean easier. On top of everyday chores of cooking, cleaning and laundry, animals need feeding, plants need fertilizing, food needs canning, fences need fixing. But we’ve lived the alternative: 72 hour work weeks and cramming life into evenings and weekends.

We’ve only been here a few short years, but feels much longer. The extraordinary -felling trees, bush-hogging, carrying firewood – are now part of our ordinary. And we love it, it’s the only lifestyle that makes sense to us now. There’s absolutely nothing that can replace the look of sheer joy on our grandson’s face as he explores the farm and rides the donkeys. It is our prayer that by spending time here he and others can learn lessons from nature.

The significance of our new lifestyle was not fully appreciated until the arrival of our donkeys. OUR donkeys!


It is our hope that you too see the benefit of simplicity and living the good life. Our donkeys are certainly teaching us many life lessons. A very wise and sweet lady, Sherri Carlson, from Straight Arrows Ranch in Texas wrote this little article some years ago. It sums up our feelings exactly. If ever you are having a “bad day” the following remedy may be just what the doctor ordered.

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