Rx: Donkey Therapy

Rx: Prescription Donkey Therapy

donkeytherapy1“Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matt 11: 28-29)

You’ve tried everything (almost): prescription drugs, vitamins, psychoanalysis, diets, exercise programs, yoga, transcendental meditation and still you feel depressed and worried. But, have you tried…Donkey Therapy??!! This highly acclaimed and innovative treatment is 100% effective for all types of stress, anxiety and fatigue-related syndromes.

How Treatment Works

Borrow or purchase one very miniature donkey. Sit on an old bucket. Wait about 10 seconds for the donkey to trot over expectantly and to “hug” your neck donkey-style, resting his head on your shoulder. RELAX. Now take a good look at his comical countenance. Notice his rather humble bearing, big brown eyes and disproportionately long ears. What about that big toothy grin? He doesn’t take himself too seriously. Neither should you.

donkeytherapy2Now that you have a better perspective, tell him all your problems while you absentmindedly scratch the backside he just offered you. When there’s nothing left to tell and he’s finished nibbling on your shoelaces, take a deep sigh and rest your elbows on the donkey’s back (see example). Rest your chin. Survey the peaceful scene before you, seeing the landscape from your donkey’s viewpoint. (Life’s a lot simpler that way).

Try leaning on your little friend as a pillow or back-rest as you close your eyes and enjoy a quiet daydream. What a calm and patient support he is! – able to bear a burden many times his weight. Shouldn’t you transfer the “weight of the world” off your shoulders to the One who made him?

Now, test his loyalty by moving your seat. He won’t disappoint you, but will follow you dutifully to your new corner of the pasture. His creator, likewise, says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Next, count your blessings and remember the Lord God that “made them all: creatures great and creatures small.” Stretch and pet your friend playfully behind his ears while telling him, “Good Donkey.” When he looks up at you gratefully, smile at him in return. Feeling better? Not so alone?

Spend at least 10 more minutes watching your wooly friend chase a grasshopper, toss a bucket in the air, and kick up his heels in delight at being alive. Laugh as he “hee haws” back at you. Then, take a deep breath, brush off the dust and straw before returning to “reality” with a fresh attitude.

donkeytherapy3But, next time you get overwhelmed, remember your donkey retreat and that The Lord Jesus and his long-eared “paramedics” are available to help you anytime!

“When Jesus heard that, He said to them, ‘Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’ For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.'”

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble.” (Psalm 46:1)

NOTE: Treatment can be addictive, but can be repeated safely as often as necessary.

Used by Permission, Straight Arrows Ranch of Texas

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