About Miniature Donkeys

About Miniature Donkeys

Legend of the Donkey’s Cross

“Bring me the colt of a donkey,”
was the Master’s request.

A young donkey was brought to Jesus
to carry Him into Jerusalem.

A week later Jesus was ordered
to be crucified.

The little donkey so loved the Lord
that he wanted to help Him carry the cross.

But, alas, he was pushed away.

The sad little donkey waited to say
goodbye until nearly all had left.

As he turned to leave, the shadow of
the cross fell upon the
back and shoulders of
the little donkey.

And there it has remained,
a tribute to the loyalty
and love of the humblest of
Gods creatures.

– by Mary Singer

The Miniature Mediterranean Donkey is the most affectionate, friendly and addicting animal of it’s kind. They are very docile, kind, loveable, huggable and easy-going animals. They love children and tend to be cautious and kind around them. They are trustworthy around the elderly and handicapped making them the perfect pet. They thrive on attention and their sole mission seems to be giving love. What could be more fun than a Miniature Donkey? A whole pasture full of them!

Love horses, but don’t have the room for a full-sized equine? Want something different? Try a Miniature Mediterranean Donkey! Their smaller size makes them an attractive option…they are simply easier to manage. They love their families and do whatever necessary to seek their attention…friendly nudges and brays and funny little noises to get attention. The miniature donkey is extremely intelligent and docile and is easily trained. Geldings or jennets make the best pets. Jacks enjoy making noise and may become obnoxious in the presence of the girls.

The size of these donkeys varies from 26 inches, which is considered extraordinarily small, to 36 inches at the withers. An average height would be about 33-34 inches. In general the smaller the donkey the more valuable it is. Other things that make a donkey valuable are good body and leg conformation and one of the more unusual colors such as ivory (blue-eyed white), true black, sorrel, spotted or “chocolate” (dark brown). Gray-dun, the various shades of mousey gray with the stripe and cross is the most common color.

Life expectancy for a well cared for miniature donkey is around 30-40 years so they are truly a lifetime pet.

Miniature donkeys originated from the Mediterranean islands of Sicily and Sardinia off the west coast of Italy. These donkeys are nearly extinct in the land of their origin. They have been brought to their current standard of excellence by United States breeders who for years have bred for size, disposition and conformation. For this reason, the Donkeys in North America have global genetic value. Fortunately, numbers in the U.S. and Canada are strong and are increasing since the first donkeys arrived in the early 1900’s. Approximately 2,179 animals were registered in 1995 and the current population is estimated around 20,000 in the U.S. The Sardinian Miniature donkeys have been crossed with animals of unidentified ancestry in the United States to produce a distinctively American breed of donkeys, which we call the Miniature Mediterranean Donkey. They are a true breed and have not been bred down in size as have horses and cattle.

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